Saturday, January 29, 2011

Mite, ikuzo! chap. 10

“*Shocked* What are you planning on doing? Or do you intend to hurt him in the first place?”
“*smiles* Are you stupid? Just to make sure, I really do don’t like you. You’ll just hurt him in the end. Since I already know it’ll gonna end up that way, I’ll just make sure he’ll go to your flow for the mean time.”
“*Grab Yuka’s shirt* Are you going to expose my secret!? I thought by telling you, you’d be thinking what’s best for him!”
“Now, now. I’m not the one whose going to be expose it.”
“Then who?! You’re the only one I’ve told! *Pull*”
“You mean only me and you.”
“*Let go Yuka’s shirt* Y-you mean, I’ll be the one who’ll tell him my own secret to him?! To the one I don’t want the most!? Heh, *Chuckle* just how will that gonna happen?”
“I know how it’ll happen so you’ll just have to wait and see...You don’t want him to hurt too, right? So don’t think about him too much. It’ll just be a repeating mistake all over again and I’m sure you don’t want that to happen. *Chuckle*”
“You can be friends with him and that’s as far as I can accept. Since you already know that he’s not the type to give up so easily, please try to be conscious when you might think there are oppurtunities when you’re with him.”
“You..! What the hell are you up to! I’d shared something with you then why don’t you?!”
“It’s you who wanted to share, not me. And since this is my secret, I’m not gonna share it with you.”
“What? Is this secret of yours have anything to do between me and Takumi after that my secret expose?!”
“*Surprise* Ah...”
“Heh! Did I hit the nail right?”
“*Smiles* Please, don’t be full of yourself. This is one of your attitude that I hate the most!”
“Well, since you already predict it how it’ll definitely gonna happen, then I’ll try my best to avoid it. I’ll make sure to never follow your flow! I’ll just go back as I used to be.”
“Are you sure? This is your last year and so do we. Are you going to leave after graduate with that kinda memory? Being harsh to the one you like the most? It’ll definitely gonna tear you apart for sure, not like I care anyway. Both goes fine with me.”
“*jolt* W-who cares anyway? *Sweat*”
“Oohh— Coming from that mouth of yours, I wonder if its the truth, heh.”

Somehow, they look so friendly just now. It’s like they’ve known each for a long time ago. When did it start?

 "*Touch Yuka's chin* Hmmm...I don't know, maybe I'm interested in you?" *Tomoharu hug Yuka*

I bet it has something to do when they were in the infirmary. Urggh, now I’m curious. Why did Tomoharu hug Yuka back then? Why did he said that he’s interested in Yuka? Did Tomoharu longing to do that, to say that to Yuka? Was all this time, I’m just getting in their way? Should I ask directly? Won’t that considered as busybody? Waahh!! I don’t know what to do anymore. I’ll just leave it as it be for the mean time. If they or yuka still won’t talk to me about the infirmary incident then, I have no choice but to ask him honestly!

*sad* but that means, Yuka got to have Tomoharu which is what I longing to. Ah! But if that makes Yuka happy, then I’ll be happy for him. Umh! “*Slides, door rooftop’s opened*...*Shocked*” Ah... *Tomoharu pushed yuka down* “Wha...What are you guys doing?” Oh no, this is bad. Even though I said I’ll be happy for him but I feel like crying right now. “*Tears flow*” “*Both Tomoharu &Yuka, Shocked*” “Ah...W-why am I crying in the middle of the day? Haha...stupid me..*wiping his tears*” “Shuu, I...*Trying to reach Shuu*” “E-exuse me! *ran away*”

What’s happening to me! I-I can’t stop, it won’t stop! *Hic hic, ran away* I really do don’t want to give him up...! 

          “You don’t have to push me down, you jerk! Look what you’ve done! You made Shuu cry!”
          “If you didn’t piss me off, I would’nt even be doing such things! He misunderstood our position while I was thinking on beating you up!”
          “Just take them as a joke! You took it too seriously!”
          “Well your joke sucks! Who would’ve joke about his best friend behind their back.”
          “*Snap* You...!! *Pull Tomoharu’s T-shirt*”
          “What? Can’t you take that as a joke too? *Annoyed face*”
          “*Push Tomoharu away* Whatever. I’m going to class...You don’t have to worry about him. I’ll tell the teacher he went home due to his feverish...again”
          “What? You think he can take lightly after what he just saw? I bet it's his biggest shocked to him! I think he’ll even start avoinding you...”
          “*Shocked* What?!”
          “...and me.”

Friday, January 28, 2011

Mite, ikuzo! chap. 9

*The next day.* I must confront him just like how we usually do. Umh! “Ah, good morning Yuka!” “*Turns around* Good morning, Shuu. *Smiles*” Ah, he’s in a good mood...Did something happen to him? This is so unusual. I’m sure that he’d be more worried after what happen yesterday. Isn’t he suppose to be asking me if I’m okay? Did he already forgot about it? “Ne, yuka.” “Hmmm?” “*Shocked!!*” He usually said ‘what is it?’ but he just mumbling?!

“*Forcing to smile, arkward* D-did something happen to you yesterday? You kinda seem in a very good mood today. Mind sharing?” “Ah, Shuu. Nah, nothing happen. *Smile*” There is definitely something!! “*Whisper whisper* Tomoharu-kun~ good morning.” Ah, Tomoharu...He’s here.
 “That’s why, I’ll never give up to the one I like!”
"*Murmur* Yu...ya..." 
It still a mystery to me. Its like he’s hiding something and I know there must be a reason why he’s pretending to be friendly. When he’s with me, all he do is saying harsh words. He never said anything nice. Just what did I do that made him hate me so much? “Shuu, you don’t want to greet him ‘good morning’?” “*Blus——h~!* What’s the sudden? And I thought you don’t want me to get close to ‘him’. What’s wrong with you today?” There is definitely wrong with Yuka today!

“Well, you can do it once in a while, right? If you’re with the others then its okay. Just don’t get too lonely with him.” Ah, is Yuka...being considerate? “Umm..umh! Okay, I’ll try then..*Gulp*” “Walk toward tomoharu* A-ano...t-tomoharu-kun, g-good morning.*Shy*” “*Turns around, looked*” “*Gulp*” “*Smiles, sparkle* Good morning, Takumi.” Eh? He smiles? “Door opened* Okay class, I’ll be calling your names for the attendance. So please be sited”

Tomoharu...smiled for the first time. He usually be calling me something else with his annoyed face. Just what happen to everyone today!!! First, its yuka. He’s been smiling ever since morning. Now, it’s tomoharu. I don’t know which one is more scary! Tomoharu or Yuka? *Ding dong, lunch* “Okay class, I want every one of you to due your homework next week. Class dismiss.” Okay, I should really be asking them what happen but I’m not sure if I can ask Tomoharu though.

“Y-yuka...” “Nani? *Smiles*” Even though this is how he usually replies to me but with that smile on his face, he’s still not himself! “I want you to answer me honestly, can you?” “*Question mark head* Sure, but what is it?” I should know if he’s lying or not because we’ve been best friend from middle school. “Uhh...Are you...I” “hmmm?” “Uu—*Tense atmosphere*” With everyone in the class, I can’t even ask him this one question. I’m such a coward.

“Let’s just go to the rooftop first. *Walk, step step*” I’m really pathetic.*Depressed* What should I ask him first? Even though I said I only want to ask him one question but there’s a lot I want to ask! Like why is he in a good mood today. I know I should be happy that he is, but it creeps me out when he’s in a good mood without me knowing it why. I kinda feel guitly not knowing anything from a close friend. I’m sorry Yuka, I’m such a loser.

And there’s that too. The incident from yesterday. I didn’t forget it ever since last night. I just pretend that nothng happen but, that pretend ends now. I must know anything, everything! I don’t want Yuka to hide it from me. I thought we’re best friend! “Slides, door opened* Ah...*Surprise*” “What’s wrong Shuu? You’re stopping in the middle of the way. Come on no— *Surprise...*” here? What is he doing here? He never been here ever since the last time. This is suppose to be our place; Yuka and I lunch time. “Ah, Haruka, Takumi. You guys are eating here? That’s a coincidence. *Smiles*” “Ah, yeah. Shuu and I usually eat here everyday. What brings you here? *making his way to Tomoharu*” Wait a second! Why is Yuka’s being friendly with Tomoharu?! I thought Yuka dont’t like him? What gives?! “I was just having some fresh air and take a short nap.” “Well, sorry to interrupt you then.”

They’re talking as if nothing had happenned between all of us! I don’t even feel like blending in. Should I go somewhere else? Look at them, being all friendly in front of me. I thought Yuka know that I like Tomoharu, but instead he’s the one whose getting close to Tomoharu. *Sad* “*Creak*” “Ah, Shuu...where are you going?” “I’m...just going  the toilet for a minute. *Bitter smile*” “Ah, Shuu...wait..!*Try to reach Shuu.*” “*Slam, door shut*” “What are you doing anyway? You’re not suppose to be follow my flow. You should just act how you’re suppose to be.” “*Evil smile* Yes, just what exactly am I doing?”

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mite, ikuzo! chap. 8

Waiting for him to answer me but I...don’t guarantee he’d be honest about it. “Well? Do you like him or not? You’d better be honest!” Does he like Shuu? People wouldn’t be taking this long if they don’t like someone, right? Then, does that mean he likes Shuu?! But he treated Shuu so terrible! “ him, right?” “*Jolt*. Ah...*Nervous look*” D-did I get it right? “But you know...If someone loves their crush, usually they took really good care of them and never hurt their feeling.” “Of course I take care of someone I like!” “Like insulting his look? Treating him like he’s your enemy?” “*Jolt* Urr...I...I didn’t mean to say that.”

“Then, why did you say it? Can’t control your words? Or is it you just don’t want him to disturb you anymore by saying those harsh thing?!” Maybe he IS drunk! He’s not making any sense at all! If he cares for Shuu, then he doesn’t have to do things like he’s his enemies, right?

‘If I were to say...that I came from the yakuza family, what would you do?’

Uhh! It can’t be, can it?! He doesn’t want Shuu to get close to him because he doesn’t want Shuu to get involved in his yakuza?! “Hey...” “Umh?” “Did you...ever had a lover or something like that?” “*surprise* Ah...*sad*...” “Ah, s-s-sorry, I didn’t mean to break out your past memories...” “Nah, it’s okay.” I-I can’t believe I said ‘sorry’ to him! But for some reason, I just have to say it. “It’s about 5 years ago, when I was still in junior high. My crush confessed to me. I was so happy that I forgot all about my family’s situation.”

So he does come from a yakuza’s family, huh? “Then after 2 month, 3 guys from the Ishi family approached me. At that time, I was with him. He didn’t know anything about my family so he was scared. It was because I have to keep it a secret.” “So, you protect him?” “Well I did try but he was in the most bad state and was hospitalized for a month.” A month?! “They won’t even allow me to visit him too. After he was out of the hospital, he was transferred to some other school and so was I.”

“I didn’t even manage to apologize properly.” Tomoharu. “Do you...still like him?” “Ah, well, he was my first love but he leaves me after he knows my family.” “Then, that means he doesn’t like you for who you are but instead, he just like you for what you are in his eyes.” I undertand his situation. “So, please. Stay away from me as far as possible.” But Tomoharu, you don’t know Shuu. “I won’t promise you that.” “But Haruka, I—” “You don’t know Shuu. He’s not the type who’d give up so easily and don't underestimate him.”

Shuu’s always been like that. No matter in what situation he’ll be, happy, ordeal, sad, he’ll always tries his best and reach it. “I know getting close to you is the most dangerous thing ever, either they know your secret or not.” “Tch! what’ll happen if Shuu’s in danger?! I thought you know whats best for him and you’re letting him getting close to me?!” Yeah, I know. I’m stupid but what’s the most important to me is that Shuu’s happy. “I told you, don’t underestimate him. He’s way beyond what you see him now.”

“*Stands up* Oh well, I’ll go home for now. Don’t you go messing around the neighbour, ya hear me? *Smiles* Hmph.” “*blank look* Pffft! Buahahaha!! Yeah, yeah! *Hit his lap while laughing*”

“So even you are able to laugh, huh tomoharu? *Leaves out of the bar*” What a night. “Just what are you going to do now, tomoharu? Be honest? Hmph. Just don’t underestimate Shuu. *Walk back home*”

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Mite, ikuzo! chap. 7

And at night, as they promised. *Step, step* “You really did what I say, huh? That’s a surprise. I thought for sure you wouldn’t come.” This is Tomoharu, who hurts my bestfriend, Shuu’s heart! I can’t forgive this guy! He’s a total jerk! So full of himself! “Hurry up! What is it you’re gonna talk about?” “*Grin* Now, now. How about we go somewhere else first? What happen if Takumi sees us? He’s just in the neighbour, right?” He really do know where we lived! “Just who the hell are you?! A spy? Detective? Cops?!

“I told you, we need to go somewhere else first. Someone will hear us.” I’m really curious about him. He’s so suspicious. I’ve never heard of him in a relationship before. He’s friendly with everyone, but never once did he accept people’s confession. Just what is he thinking? Usually, of all those people, he should’ve accept one of them. He completely ignore after they confessed. That’s why, ever since there were a rumor going on that he ignores a girl after she confessed to him. I just don’t get this guy!

That’s when it started when people just blend in with him without making a mistake. I don’t blame him anywho. It’s those people that’s dumb! Just because he’s popular, they all act nice to him. I know he knew too. He just act as if nothing happen. “Okay, we’re here.” This....a bar?!! “Come on in.” “Where the hell are you taking me to?!” Just what in the hell is this?! Aren’t we too underaged for this kind of place?! This guy! Who the heck is he------!!

*Sits* “Ah, mama.” Mama? The bartender? “Ah~ Aki, you’re here? You bring company? That’s rare. Is he your new ones? *Smiles*” “Hahaha, of course not. Just a friend.” “Oo----hh~ Well, what do you want for tonight?” “Just the usual, same goes for him.” “Okay, then.” Hrrrmmmmm....!! “Hey, Where the hell is this? And who is he? He used your first name. You guys knew each other?” “Ah, sorry. This is a bar for homos.” “*SHOCKED!!* H-homos...?!”

“When there’s something unsettled, I always come here to fresh up my mind.” I didn’t ask anything like that. “So? What is it? Spill it out.” “Hmph. You really care about him that much, huh? I kinda pity you though.” “*Mad* Pity me?! For what?!” Pitied me? Pitied for what!? “You have feelings for that kid, right?” “*Shocked* S-so?” “I kinda pitied you that he only sees you as his close friend while you, act as his close friend so that you won’t hurt his feelings, right?”

Damn this guy! It’s like he can read my mind! “You don’t want him to despise you, so you move as caution as possible.” “Is this all what you’re going to talk about? Then, I’m going home. *Stands up*” “*Pull yuka’s hand* Come one now. We haven’t got to the great part yet. Just sit a bit for a while. I didn’t just pull you out here for nothing now, am I?” I don’t even know if I can trust this guy. “Then stop joking around!”

*2 hours later.* This guy!! He didn’t say anything about Shuu! And he said I should come if I care about Shuu! And here I am waiting for him to spill it out!! Urgh! “Hey. Do you even have anything you want to talk about Shuu’s matter?” “Pfffftt~ A guy who fall to his best friend~ You love bird~!” Ah......He’s drunk. “O----ii! Earth to Tomoharu? *Knocking his head* Are you still here?” “Hmmmm....pffftt~ Damn! You’re just so funny, I can barely hold out my laugh!” Urgh, this guy. If he just wanted to be drunk, he can do it alone! He doesn’t have to bring me along! “Ne, Haruka.” “What is it? *Annoyed*”

“You must be wondering who I am, right? Heheh.” “*Surprise* W-well, yeah. People who’ve wondered too.” “Yeah..Guess you’re right....Oh yeah, I almost forgot to tell you about the important part why I dragged you out here.” I thought you DID forget about it!! “It’s for the best for you...and Takumi too.” Hmm?? It’s for the best for me and Shuu? “I’m only telling you this and I mean ONLY to you.”

N-now why the heck am I nervous?! Damn it! “You guys, it’s better if you guys never involved with me. You and that kid, you guys must stay away from me.” “Stay away from you? You don’t have to tell me, I already intend to stay as far as I could!” “Then, that’s good. Tell the kid too, okay?” Wait a sec. This isn’t right. He didn’t even tell me the reason. “Hey, why should Takumi stay away from you too? He liked you, you know that? Just what the hell did he do to you that you just hate him so much?!”

“I don’t hate him nor dislike him.” “Then what is it that you’re being harshful towards him.” Just what is it? Spill it, damn you! “If I were to say...that I came from the yakuza family, what would you do?” Y-yakuza family? “Hmph. Yakuza? You’re kidding right? There’s not even a single rumor about you from a yakuza family.” “We’re not that stupid to let it out like that.” “Well, you just did.” “That’s because I did it on purpose. Besides, its best for Takumi too. I don’t want him to get hurt because of me.” Ah, for a second there, he looked like he was concerned about Shuu.

“Then, if you don’t want me to leak this secret of yours on purpose to Shuu, can answer this one simple question?” “Hm? Just one? Okay, what is it?” “You must answer this honestly. No lying, ya hear me! Or I'll leak it right away!” “Okay, okay. I get it. Just what’s your damn question?” “Tomoharu, do Shuu?” “*Surprise* Ahh..”

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Mite, ikuzo! chap. 6

*Pants pants* *Running on his way home* I said something harsh to Yuka today, but I didn't mean to say it. I never meant to say it like that.. 
"I-it's alright. just tell me what happen okay? That is after you feel better. So be careful on your way home."
Yuka. Yuka. I'm really sorry. He's all worried about me and I shouted him like that. I'm too embarrass to confront him tomorrow. I've never even shouted to him like that before. To me, he's like the dearest friend I've ever had!

*Back at school* *Smack!* "Urgh! Itaii... *Hold his head* Who is it?!" "...I can't believe you're still getting close to him!" "*Grin* What is it that you're so mad about anyway? *Putting his hand under his chin* What he does is what he wants. What does it have to do with you?" "He's my best friend! I don't want him to get hurt! I don't want him to get near to the likes of you!" "Hey, hey. I was told to stay here and take care of this room." "Were you told to sleep with him?!" 

"Heh. You're a lot bad tempered than I thought. Besides, to him, he may think you're the only closest friend he ever had. But you, what is he to you?" "Ahh...He, he..."

"Ah, I forgot to take my bag! Where did I put it? Ah! In class! I can't believe I forgot something as important as that! *Hit his head*" *Stomp stomp, running back to school* *Pants pants* "Ah, it's not here? Hmmm...where did it go?" "Ah, Takumi-san, if you're looking for your beg, haruka-san bring it along with him." Ah, Now that you mention it, Yuka did seem like he brings 2 begs with him. Hope he's still in the infirmary. "Ah, arigato!" 

*Runs, runs* *Pants pants* *slides, door opened a bit* "Yuk---! *Shocked*" Yuka is...with Tomoharu. "Ne, you're not answering me. What is he to you anyway? Or is this what I think it is? *Grin*" "....." "I'm right, aren't I? you're not even denying. You're such an honest boy." Who is this 'he' they're talking about? What are they talking about anyway? "What is it that you like about that guy so much? He's not popular. He's not even rich." "You...Are you just going to keep on bad mouthing him. If that's the only thing you're going to do, then I'm going home." 

"Awwhh~ I was just going to get to know you better, that's all." "To get to know me better? Why do you want to get to me better?" "*Touch Yuka's chin* Hmmm...I don't know, maybe I'm interested in you?" Eh? Tomoharu interested in Yuka? Does that mean Tomoharu liked Yuka? *Tomoharu hug Yuka* "*Shocked!*" "Tch, what are you doing , you jerk! *Try pushing Tomoharu away* "*Whisper, whisper* Stay still, If you really care about that friends of yours then listen to me." 

*Shocked* Yu..ka? *Trembles, walk backwards....runs* "*Whisper* Let's meet again tonight at your place okay?" "Hmmm...the hell I'm giving you directions!" "*Grin* Don't worry. you don't have to give me your map. I already know, where you lived and where he lived" "*Shocked* Uh!...Are you a stalker or something?! *Manage to push Tomoharu away*" "You're curious about me aren't you? Then wait me outside at exactly 7.30pm, okay? of course care about that friends of yours so much." "What does this have to do with him?!" 

"All this time, didn't you realize?" "Eh? *Puzzled*" "I was talking about him the whole time. Didn't you know?" "*Murmured* He even hear and saw everything too." "What did you say?" "Oh, nothing. Just remember. Tonight at exactly 7.30 sharp. If you're not there. Then, you'd be missing something great. *Grin*" "Tch, Just what in the hell are you up to!" "*Grin* You'll find out sooner or later." *Walk out of the infirmary. "Tch! That jerk!!"

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Mite, ikuzo! chap. 5

“You have to tell me everything, Shuu. What DID he do to you? He won’t be asking you only questions till you cried, right? He must've been black mailing you or something!” Ah, Yuka’s really worried about me. I’m glad I have a friend like him. “You can’t lie to me, Shuu. I know you better. Just tell me. Am I not trustworthy enough?” But still, I can’t lie to him...cause he can read me so easily. It’s like I’m an open book that people can easily read. “Thank you for worrying about me, yuka.” “Then, start talking!”

“T-tomoharu-kun was mad because I said something that annoyed him. I accidentally saw him kissing with a guy when after that guy confess to him. Tomoharu said that it was how he returns them a favor.” “Then what made him so angry?” “He saw me behind the wall, so he asked if I saw everything and he already knew, but after that, he also said something that pissed me off!” “Ah, Shuu...” “He said that I was the same as others! *Tears* He said that I was only trying to get other people attention by staying at his side, but I don’t want that! I only want him to love me! I never ask anything from him accept his love!”

“And...he said that it’s not easy for him to just start falling in love with somebody. I know it’s not. So I tried to tell him that we can start being friend first.” “But he doesn’t want to?” “I can, but he said that I’d be nothing more like those people” “Those people? Whose those people?” “I  told you that whenever someone confess to him, he reject them right away, and after that they ask tomoharu for a favor in return and he did it.” “He did it even if he don’t like it?” I know right. Who would want to do such thing! But it’s the only way they won’t disturb him anymore.”

“*Hic hic*” “Guess, you can’t go to the class today either, huh?” “Eh? Why’s that?” “You can’t go to class looking like that now can you?” *Embarrass* “It’s okay, I’ll tell the teacher you’re having a fever. So, you can go rest at the infirmary. I’ll go there after school to pick you up, okay? Just don’t wander around.” “*Smile*, Umh!” *Slides, door closed, Yuka went to class.* I’m really glad to have such a great friend. I should be going now.

*Knock, knock, door open* “Sensei, I’m not feeling well. Can I rest here for a while?” *Sensei turns around* “Ah, Takumi-kun. Sorry about last time. I wasn’t here because there was a meeting.” “Um-umh. That’s alright.” “Were you okay?” “Yeah, I just got a headache and now I’m having a little bit fever. So, can I rest here for the mean time?” “please, take your time, takumi-kun. Sleep as long as you want till your fever comes down, okay? “Thank you, sensei.” “Don’t mention it.”

*Slides, curtain opened, Lie on the bed* What a deja vu. I'm here again because of the same reason, but this time, I seem to feel a bit tired. Maybe today, I can sleep a bit. I should treat Yuka to that cake store to thank him. The cake taste really good too. Hope yuka will like it. *Smiles* *closed his eyes, sleeps*

Few minutes later. *Slides, door opened* “Sensei, you’re being called by the principal for another meeting. He said it’s emergency, he want you to go there as fast as you can.” “Ah, again? Oh well. Ah, Tomoharu-kun, can you stay here and take care of this room while I’m gone.” “Ah, okay then, I’ll just take a nap.” “Ah, there’s takumi-kun on the bed, so I don’t think you can take a nap, he’s having a bit fever right now. So, he’s taking a rest. Try not waking him up, okay?” “yeah, yeah...Now just go. The principal will get mad if you’re late.” “Ah, alright!” *slides, door closed*

*Walk towards the bed* “Takumi’s here?” *Slides, curtain opened* *Snore...* “Heh. He sleeps like a pig. *sits* “I wonder. Can you really prove me that you love me for who I am?” “Hmmm....T-tomo....haru..” “You must really be having a dream about me right now, aren’t you?” *Shuu holds tomoharu’s hand* “Ah! *Surprise!*” “Ahh...tomo..don’t go...I’ll love you...for who you are. *snores*” “Ahh..*Surprise* Tch!” “I’ll stay...won’t go..always and...forever...Tomoharu...”

*Ding dong* *Slides door opened* “Shuu? Are you here? School’s finish already. C’mon, let’s go home.” *Silence* “Shuu?” *Curtain opened* “*Shocked* Shu...u... *Drop his bag*” “Mmmm...*Rub his eyes* Yuka? What’s wrong?” “Shuu...what happened?” “*Looking his surrounding* *Tomoharu hug him* *Shocked*” Waaaaahh! Deja vu! “Yu..yuka, don’t just stand there and watch! Help me get off of him!” "Umh!" *Tomoharu hold shuu tighter* Waaahh!! HE won't let go! "*Murmur* Yu...ya..." "*shocked*....Yuka, hurry up." "Shuu...what's wrong?" "I said hurry up, pull me off of him!" 

*Finish settling* "Shuu, what's wrong? You're mad all of the sudden." "Gomen yuka, but can i go home alone today?"  "I-it's alright. just tell me what happen okay? That is after you feel better. So be careful on your way home." "*smiles* Thanks yuka, I will." Just what's wrong with me today..And who is this 'yuya' guy?

Mite, ikuzo! chap. 4

"Are you happy? Now don't disturb me anymore." *Tomoharu push the guy away* "Unh! Smiles*" *Slides, door shut* T-tomoharu... *Shocked! Shut his mouth* "Ahh~ I'm done for it if I have to do this everytime there's people confessing~" *Shocked!* Every...time? Tomoharu do this when there's peole confessing to him? Does that means, all this time...whenever a guy or a girl confess to him, they need something in return?! Do they...really like...Tomoharu? *Confused* “Hmph. You there.” *Surprise!*

“You saw and hear everything, right?” “Eh, eto...I..” “Oh well, since I’m doing it on purpose anyway. *Smirk*” I-I need to clear things out. I need to ask him why he’s doing all this. “Ano, Tomoharu-kun...” “Hmph. What? You want to kiss me too? Just like those people?” T-those people? I was right?! He kissed all of them? Returning a favor?! “Do you...always do this?” “*Grin* What do you mean by ‘do this’? Ahh~ Do you mean kissing?” *Gulp* “Umh...*” *Tomoharu walks to the gate of the edge of the bulding or roof*

“Ne, geek.” *Jolt* G-geek... Do I really look like a geek? “You know how popular I am, right? Well, no need to ask anyway since everyone knows~...Whenever people do confessing and stuff, what they need is just courage.” Courage... ‘Tomoharu-kun, wi-will you go out with me?’ “But that depends why they have it.” *Turns around and look at Shuu* “Let me ask you takumi, How did you get that courage? Why did you let that courage out? What happen if there’s no chance to your courage?”

Courage...I know. I already know. When you finally have the courage to do it, there’s only one thing that you have to hope it for, a success. Courage only have one chance and you’ll never know which path it’ll go depend on the other side. After letting that courage out, it’ll be the other sides that made the decision. All we have to do is have hope! “I know. I already know that. That’s why...that’s why I’ll never give up no matter what!” “*Surprise!* Ahh...” “That’s why, if I have hopes, it might just turns out to be something. *Smile*”

“That’s why, I’ll never give up to the one I like.” “*Smirk* You really don’t give up...” “Of course I won’t give up..!” “Just because you want to get near a popular kid that much?” “*Shocked!* Aa!...Y-you’re wrong!” “I’m wrong? Then what is it that you like about me so much that you won’t give up? My popularity? My money? Or my virginity? Ah, sorry...I’m not a virgin anymore...Hahaha.” “*Sweats* Shocked*’re not a virgin anymore...?”

“Of course I’m not a virgin anymore. Like a popular kid like me be still a virgin? It’ll be a total embarrassment!” “W-who did you...d-do it...w-with?” “That’s non of your business! I do it when I want with whom I want!” “How could you! Do you even like that person?! Are you just doing it for fun!? Were you just playing their feeling?!” “*Snap*” *Slap!!* “I...tai...*Touch his cheek*” “Hmph. What a big mouth you got. It’s annoying. I really HATE it.”  “To-tomoharu...” “Shut up you damn pig!” *Shocked!* “I’m...I’m sorry...I was just...” “I said just SHUT UP!!” *Push shuu’s against a wall and pull his shirt up* “Ahh..*trembles*”

*Tears* “I...didn’t mean to make you mad.” T-tomoharu is mad because I said something that annoys him. I guess, I really am lame... *Hic hic* “Ah..this really sucks. Stop crying already. Just how old are you to be still crying. You...” “Eh...? *Hic hic*” “You still haven’t answer me....What is it that you really like about me? I'm not kind. I fooled people easily.” “Ahh..I don’t really know you much, but I really do want to start a new relationship with you. To know more about you than anyone else. To know you better than anyone else. Just being with you makes me happy. I don’t want your popularity or your money. I just want you to love me.”

“*Shocked*” ‘Aki, I only want you to love me. I don’t want anything else than your love.’ “You want love you? What non sense are you talking about now?! *Push Shuu against the wall* “Ahh..*Shut his eyes*” “Do you think just by saying that I’ll start loving you?! Do you think it’ll be easy just to start loving someone else?!” S-someone else? Tomoharu already loved someone else? “I-it may not be easy but...we can always start being friend...” “Friend?! Hmph. I’ve got a lot of friends, adding you is the same as adding another.” “I-it’ll be alright...cause, I-I’ll be looking at you as someone important. I don’t care if you’re popular or rich. I only want you...”

*Snap!!* “*Grin* Ja..Try your best luck! *Push Shuu away, hitting against the wall.*” *Slides, door opened* *Shocked!* “Shuu...!” *Pulls Shuu away from Tomoharu* “What did you do to him, you jerk!?” “Hmph. Nothing much. Just asking a couple of question, that’s all.” “Then why is he crying?!” “I told you, I was just asking him a couple of question. He’s the one whose crying, why ask me? Ask him.” *Hold tomoharu’s shirt* "Why you...!!" *Shuu pulls Yuka’s sleeve* “He’s-he’s saying the truth. I was just...over doing it, that’s all. He didn’t do anything to me! Yuka.”

*Glare at tomoharu!* “If I caught you making Shuu cry again, I won’t hesitate punching you next time!” “That’s enough, yuka. I’m telling you the truth. He didn’t do anything.” “I’m sorry, I was worried.” “Come on now, let’s go to class, yuka.” *Slides, door closed* “*Sigh* It can’t be, can it? Urgh...That takumi...Is he really...the same as Yuya...” 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mite, ikuzo! chap. 3

"Ah! Tomoharu-kun!" *Slides, curtain opened* "I-I'm sorry that I disturb you when you were sleeping. I'm really sorry!" In the end I really did wake him up... "No point apologizing." *Yawn, looks up* "Ah, you're that geek from last year." *Gasp!* "What? Are you going to confess to me for the second time?" *Smirk* *Tha-thump!* Tomoharu... "I-I.." "Please, don't be stupid. He wouldn't make mistake for the second time to a low-life like you."

Eh? Eh? Yuka? Wh-why did you say that!? "Tch! Whatever. No one would want him anyway! You homo, geek, lame!" *Slides, door closed* *Tears* Tomoharu...said I... *Hugs* "You don't have to worry, Shuu. You'll find someone much more better than him." *Hugs* "Umh!" *Cry* I never knew that Tomoharu would say such things. I even thought that he'd forgot. *Sniff* Maybe I should really change my appearance. I know that Yuka will definitely get mad if I change myself just because of him.

But it's because I really do like him! 'Shuu...' Ah, but...he murmured my name when he asleep. What does that mean? Should I...have my hope up? Just a little bit? I don't think there's anyone named Shuu other than me at my school. Should I...ask him? Tomoharu, I really want to clear out this problem! 

It's already morning. *Ding dong* *Yawn* "Shuu, good morning. Have you sleep enough last night? Or were you still thinking about that low-life jerk?" *Bull's-eye* "Eh-eh? Haha... ha-ha..I did sleep enough! Umh!" "Oh, really? Your eyes seem kinda blackened. Make-up?" I really can't stand this. It's like he can see through me. "Ahh! It's just...I was doing some homework--" "But we don't have homework--" "Ah! I mean revise for the test--" "We don't have test today." *Feeling down* I'm just really suck at lying.

At this rate, I won't be able to lie in front of yuka anymore. *Depressed* "So," Hmmm? "What are you going to do now?" Eh? "I thought you said there's no homework..or are you just lying to me that there were homework and you just want me to get in trouble!" *Hit!!* "Oww!!" "I meant that low-life jerk! I don't even know which one of you is the lowest!" Ah, of course. there's still something that's unsettled between us or so I thought. 

*talk talk* "Good morning, Tomoharu-kun!" "Good morning haru-kun!" He's very famous at my school. Everyone knows him. Just say his name and all of guys know him. Even the girls from the Sachi high school know him. They even asked him out several times. It's a mystery that he rejects all the guys and the girls too. Whenever they confessed, he just rejects them right away. When it comes to girls, he does it politely. Am I the only one that he rejects harshly? I have never seen any guy confess to him before. 

*Ding dong, lunch* "Ne, Shuu..." "Ah, what is it?" "I'm sorry but, can you eat lunch by yourself today? The teacher called me to go to their staff during lunch time so, sorry Shuu. I can't eat with you today. Maybe tomorrow." *Smile* "Nah, it's okay. Don't worry about it. It bounds to happen sometimes, right? After you finish, you can go to the roof. I'll be waiting, okay?" "Thank you so much." Yuka always being called by the teacher. Yuka said that they were only talking about his studies. 

Well, he is smart and all but I never knew that he was that smart! The first time I met him, he was a playful person who doesn't seem to care much about his studies. We played a lot back then. When there were a test or exam, he always scored the highest in school! I told him that he was a genius but he doesn't seem to like it when I said that. So, whenever there's an upcoming test or exam, I'd always ask him to teach me or studied together. I never saw him revise any and when he's in class, I could see that he sleeps a lot and sometimes, he'd look outside the window.

He's so close but yet he's so far. It makes me want to ask him where he'd go? Even though we're best friend for more than 8 years but it feels like I only know less about him. I'm suppose to know him better than anyone else. *Look at watch* "Ah! It almost end!" Ah, I better hurry up and go to the roof! *slides, door opened* *sits* *Munch munch* Ah...I'm alone again. "Tomoharu!" *Choke!* To-tomoharu's here! In a place like this?! "What is it? Hurry up!" *Peek* 

"Would you...go out with me?" *Shocked* Ah, that guy just ask Tomoharu out. I-I wonder what'll he said. "*Sigh*" "I-if you don't want to then, will a kiss do?" "Eh?!" Eh?!! A kiss?! "Just one will do! I-I'll give up on you if you kiss me." What the hell?! Giving up so soon! Does that guy really likes Tomoharu?? "Okay, but only one." What the?!! Tomoharu...! *Chuu* *Pain* Tomoharu kissed. "Okay now, are you happy? Now don't disturb me anymore, you got that!" "Umh! *Happy*" 

Tomoharu..! How could you! To kiss someone you don't like just because you don't want them to disturb you anymore..!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Mite, ikuzo! chap. 2

*Slide, door opened* "Sensei! I..." *Silence* "Hmm...sensei's not in. I guess I should just put some bandage on it..." *Tha-thump. Tha-thump. Heart beat* I-I-I-I-It's HIM!!! He's in the infirmary!! W-w-what should I do!!?? M-maybe I should just get some rest! Sleep! yes, that's it! I just have to go take a nap! *Slide, curtain opened* *Shocked* *Tha-thump! Tha-thump!* Wha-what should I do now!!?? 'Waaahh!!! Yuka, help me!!' 

"Hmm...Is this guy sick or something? Ahh...just when I feel like lying down..." *Rustle* "Oh well, I'll just lie by the edge of it" *Tha-thump!* Eh?!! Wait a second! What the hell is he doing?!! Can't he see how cramp it is?! *warmth, touched* Uhh...But somehow, just a little, I feel like I can get a bit closer to him this way. *Smile* Tomoharu..."Mmmm...." *snore* Ehh??!! He fall asleep?! You have got to be kidding me! 

Is he really that tired he fall asleep right away? Maybe it's time for me to go and let him have the bed. *Chuckle* He'll be cute when he's asleep. *Surprise!* Ah! This could be the first time I'll be seeing his sleeping face! *excited* Maybe, just a little bit...*Pull his shoulder* Just a little bit more..."Mmmm...." *Hugged*'s a bit too much...What should I do now?! I'm stuck! "Mmmm..." *snore* I-I can't move. He's hugging me! Ah, he' *warmth* Tomoharu...

Why did he reject me so sudden? He could have at least think about it a bit more. You could at least think how I'd feel. 'Lame...' Tomoharu...Why? I want...i want to hear your real reason. It' couldn't be based on my appearance only right?! Will you like me if I'm popular? Will you come to like me if I don't look like a geek? Tomoharu, please answer me. Should i change because of you? I want to hear your reason. Will there be no chance for you to fall for me? Tomoharu!

*Murmured* "Mmmm...Shuu.." *Skip a beat!* Eh?

*Slide, door opened* "Sensei! Is Tomoharu-kun in here?" *Silence* "*Sigh, really. Do sensei these days just skip their work?" Ah! It's yuka! I need his help! "Yuka!" "Mmmm..." Ah, Tomoharu is still here! How could I be so stupid! What will happen if he wakes up?! He'll gonna hate me for sure if he knew he'd be sleeping--no, if he knew he hugged me?!! Yuka! "Hmm..? That sounds like Shuu. Did he really went to infirmary just because I told him so?"

*Slides, curtain opened* *Shocked!* "S-Shuu..." Ah, he's getting all of this misunderstood! "Ah, Yuka! This is..." "Mmmm..." *Snore* What should I do?? Anyone... "Ah, sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt you guys. I'll just.." "Yuka! Don't go!" *Stop stepping backwards* "You got it all wrong! This isn't what you think it is!" *Snore* But first, I really need to get out if here. It's not really comfortable talking to yuka when I'm being hugged by Tomoharu like this. "But first, help me get out if this!"

*Finished helping* "care to explain?" *sigh* "Yuka, I know you got shocked by what you just saw..." *Yuka cut the line* "Shocked?! I was almost scared to death! What'll happen if anyone saw you and him were hugging like that in an infirmary! and at school too!" Yuka... "I'm telling you! You got it all wrong!" "then what were you doing? If you're not--mmph!" *Shut yuka's mouth* "I know, I know! You got shocked, scared. Just be quiet for a sec okay?" *Let go* "Ah, sorry, I just got worried."

Yuka, I'm really grateful that you'd feel like that but..."I was trying to sleep on the bed but because it was too quiet my mind went blank. And after some times, Tomoharu went in." "Did he saw you?" "Of course not! I closed the curtain by the time I went up on the bed." If he saw me, he wouldn't even try to sleep beside me. He'll run away for sure. "My heart went crazy when he opened the curtain. At first I thought that he'll just go away since I'm on the bed but he slept there by the edge of the bed.

I didn't know that he'd sleep there next to me!" *Stare* "Then, when you said that he sleep on the edge, how did he sleep looking at the opposite? and he even hugged you. You must've done something, didn't you?" *Shocked* *gulp* "I-I-I..." "you what?" Oh man! How did this conversation turns me into the bad guy?! "W-well, I was just..." "You were just?" *confessed* "Okay okay! It's my fault! I was the one who pulled his shoulder but I didn't know he'd fall to the opposite like that and hugged me!"

"Well, it must be nice for a moment there, isn't it? To think that some impossible just turns out to be possible huh?" *Gulp!* "Yuka, why are you making it sound like I'm the bad guy here!" *Snap!* "that's because you are the bad guy here!! If you just don't get excited over little things, things won't turn out like this!!" "But yuka, it's rare to see his sleeping face, so of course I'd take the chance!" 

"Mmmmm...urgh, you guys are so noisy. I can't even take a short nap!" *Surprise!!* "Tomoharu!"

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Mite, ikuzo! chap. 1

'I knew it! He just don't like me because I'm a geek! No one would thought for a second chance! I'm so stupid to give that.'

*Yawn* "Ah, Shuu. You didn't sleep enough?" Ahh, this is my best friend, Yuka. We've been together ever since middle school. We first met at a club activity and were coincidentally a  classmate. "Hmmm...yeah, guess so." Last night, I shouldn't have been checking on him. I'm really regretting it, to think that he might actually fall for me now. 

*Ding dong* "Okay, please be seated student. I'll be taking your attendance now." I wonder why I liked him so much even after he rejected me so bluntly. Furthermore, he even said I was lame to begin with. I'm unpopular and wear specs like geeks. He didn't stop after the rejection, he even humiliates me based on my appearance. It's was the worst!! but still, I can't blame him that I'm still falling for him. 

We've been classmate for 2 years now. I always wonder if he's a popular kid. I didn't know much about him so I kept on looking at him from a far. Wondering what was so good about him. After a few while, I fall for him. I was afraid of confessing to him. Then, when I had the chance, I confessed immediately and he reject me straight away. It was a heart broken. I was so sad! I tried to forget about him but the more I tried the more I want him! I'm so stupid!! 

*Ding Dong* "Class dismiss." *Sigh. "Shuu, what's wrong with you? you don't look good today. You've been sighing all day!" Well, I can't even concentrate on my studies because of HIM!! No, no, it's my fault too for thinking about him in the first place! "Nah, I'm just tired. Come on, let's go eat lunch on the roof!" Yeah, maybe I'm just tired. I wanna skip class after this. *Ka-cha. Open a door* "Waahh, it's so windy yet it's hot!" "yeah, you got that right. hahaha."

I always eat lunch with yuka on the roof. It's the only place that we think it's comfortable. With the wind blowing and the sky is clear for us to see. It's a really great place for me to  take a nap too. lol. 

"Ne, Yuka." "Hmm? What is it?" *Slurp* Haaa..Should I even ask him about this? I'm kinda scared he'll hate me. " know..Tomoharu, right?" *munch* "You mean, Tomoharu Aki in our class?" "Yeah. Him." What should I do!? I'm getting nervous just talking about him with yuka! Aargh! "What are you still talking about him for?" Eh? excuse me? "He did reject you, right?" *SHOCKED* "Eh? eh? What are you talking about? Haha...ha" 

"I over heard you confessing to him in the hall way on school festival last year. He rejected you straight away" *Gulp* "He even humiliates you on your appearance. So stop thinking about him. Won't that make you feel sad thinking about it?" I already know that. I should just stop thinking about him. "But, the more I tried the more I..want him. I know, he's not good for me but the heart wants what the heart wants."

*Stands up* "You can go to the infirmary. I'll go tell the teacher that you're not feeling well." "Yuka, how did you..." That time yuka turn around and looked at me. "We've known each other for too long now, aren'tt we?" *Sniff* *Jump, trying to hug yuka* "Yuka...!!" "Ah, but I'm not going to comfort you after what'll happen to you this time, ya hear me!" "Yuka, you big meanie!!" *bleh*

*Ding dong* *Open a door* "Sensei, I..." *Silence* haa..even the sensei is not here. Oh well, I might as well just lie down on the bed....Urgh, it's too quiet. My mind's blank. 'Sorry, but I don't like you. I mean really, you look like a geek. You're not even popular. you're way lower than lame' *Crying* Why the hell am I remembering what he said to me!! Tomoharu you jerk!! *sniff*

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Short story. Continue...

Hi there again! That was fast! Okay now, I was thinking on making a short novel? not really good though but I always start from middle to end..I'm too lazy to start the story so I skip it and start from the middle instead. So...I guess I should start something very simple yet it can touch to other's feelings..Do you get what I mean? Okay I'll just start...

"Hey, you know...we can just tag along with them. What's with you these days? You've been acting really weird lately!" Minami pulled Yuu's shoulder as he wanted to stop him and wanted explanation but, Yuu slapped his hand when he reach to his shoulder. "What do you care?! All you do is hang around with them all the time! You wouldn't even had the time to reply when I e-mail you!" Yuu stopped for a moment as he yelled at Minami.

Minami's face went blank. "You...e-mailed me? when did you..." Yuu suddenly got really angry when Minami said like that. "You don't have to fool me! I know you're just saying it as if nothing happen!!" "What are you talking about? You didn't e-mail me, Yuu. Here." Minami took out his hand phone from his left pant's pocket. He looked at his inbox and showed it to Yuu to proof that Yuu never e-mailed him.

"Eh? But I just e-mailed you yesterday. Look here." Yuu took out his hand phone from his left chest t-shirt's pocket. "Eh? But there's no ringtones." Yuu started to think that Minami might deleted his e-mail. " deleted them, didn't you?! You're just trying to fool me to believe you!" Minami suddenly looked a bit mad and pulled Yuu's head closer. "Look at this, from the first time we knew each other, I didn't even delete your mail. Not even the slightest I want to delete them. See. It might just be a sent failure." 

Yuu blushed. " didn't have to save my mail. It must be eating a lot of memory card! How about an e-mail from your friends? It won't even fit in the memory." Yuu looked down while Minami looked the other side. "Well, after I read their e-mail, I just delete them. of course unless its school related." They were speechless about a few seconds but then, Yuu started again about why Minami didn't get his e-mail. 

"Then, why isn't there any e-mail that I sent to you yesterday? I-I was going t-to asked you if...if you wanted t-to go t-to my ho-house. I was waiting for your reply but you didn't even reply till now." Yuu put all his courage in saying that to him. He was still looking down out of embarrassment. "Then, should we go now? Since I already got the message. You were waiting for my reply, right?" Yuu's face went totally red out of blushed! "Um..Umh! O-Okay..."

-The End. To Be Continue-