Hi there again! That was fast! Okay now, I was thinking on making a short novel? not really good though but I always start from middle to end..I'm too lazy to start the story so I skip it and start from the middle instead. So...I guess I should start something very simple yet it can touch to other's feelings..Do you get what I mean? Okay I'll just start...
"Hey, you know...we can just tag along with them. What's with you these days? You've been acting really weird lately!" Minami pulled Yuu's shoulder as he wanted to stop him and wanted explanation but, Yuu slapped his hand when he reach to his shoulder. "What do you care?! All you do is hang around with them all the time! You wouldn't even had the time to reply when I e-mail you!" Yuu stopped for a moment as he yelled at Minami.
Minami's face went blank. "You...e-mailed me? when did you..." Yuu suddenly got really angry when Minami said like that. "You don't have to fool me! I know you're just saying it as if nothing happen!!" "What are you talking about? You didn't e-mail me, Yuu. Here." Minami took out his hand phone from his left pant's pocket. He looked at his inbox and showed it to Yuu to proof that Yuu never e-mailed him.
"Eh? But I just e-mailed you yesterday. Look here." Yuu took out his hand phone from his left chest t-shirt's pocket. "Eh? But there's no ringtones." Yuu started to think that Minami might deleted his e-mail. "You...you deleted them, didn't you?! You're just trying to fool me to believe you!" Minami suddenly looked a bit mad and pulled Yuu's head closer. "Look at this, from the first time we knew each other, I didn't even delete your mail. Not even the slightest I want to delete them. See. It might just be a sent failure."
Yuu blushed. "You...you didn't have to save my mail. It must be eating a lot of memory card! How about an e-mail from your friends? It won't even fit in the memory." Yuu looked down while Minami looked the other side. "Well, after I read their e-mail, I just delete them. of course unless its school related." They were speechless about a few seconds but then, Yuu started again about why Minami didn't get his e-mail.
"Then, why isn't there any e-mail that I sent to you yesterday? I-I was going t-to asked you if...if you wanted t-to go t-to my ho-house. I was waiting for your reply but you didn't even reply till now." Yuu put all his courage in saying that to him. He was still looking down out of embarrassment. "Then, should we go now? Since I already got the message. You were waiting for my reply, right?" Yuu's face went totally red out of blushed! "Um..Umh! O-Okay..."
-The End. To Be Continue-
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