"Ah! Tomoharu-kun!" *Slides, curtain opened* "I-I'm sorry that I disturb you when you were sleeping. I'm really sorry!" In the end I really did wake him up... "No point apologizing." *Yawn, looks up* "Ah, you're that geek from last year." *Gasp!* "What? Are you going to confess to me for the second time?" *Smirk* *Tha-thump!* Tomoharu... "I-I.." "Please, don't be stupid. He wouldn't make mistake for the second time to a low-life like you."
Eh? Eh? Yuka? Wh-why did you say that!? "Tch! Whatever. No one would want him anyway! You homo, geek, lame!" *Slides, door closed* *Tears* Tomoharu...said I... *Hugs* "You don't have to worry, Shuu. You'll find someone much more better than him." *Hugs* "Umh!" *Cry* I never knew that Tomoharu would say such things. I even thought that he'd forgot. *Sniff* Maybe I should really change my appearance. I know that Yuka will definitely get mad if I change myself just because of him.
But it's because I really do like him! 'Shuu...' Ah, but...he murmured my name when he asleep. What does that mean? Should I...have my hope up? Just a little bit? I don't think there's anyone named Shuu other than me at my school. Should I...ask him? Tomoharu, I really want to clear out this problem!
It's already morning. *Ding dong* *Yawn* "Shuu, good morning. Have you sleep enough last night? Or were you still thinking about that low-life jerk?" *Bull's-eye* "Eh-eh? Haha... ha-ha..I did sleep enough! Umh!" "Oh, really? Your eyes seem kinda blackened. Make-up?" I really can't stand this. It's like he can see through me. "Ahh! It's just...I was doing some homework--" "But we don't have homework--" "Ah! I mean revise for the test--" "We don't have test today." *Feeling down* I'm just really suck at lying.
At this rate, I won't be able to lie in front of yuka anymore. *Depressed* "So," Hmmm? "What are you going to do now?" Eh? "I thought you said there's no homework..or are you just lying to me that there were homework and you just want me to get in trouble!" *Hit!!* "Oww!!" "I meant that low-life jerk! I don't even know which one of you is the lowest!" Ah, of course. there's still something that's unsettled between us or so I thought.
*talk talk* "Good morning, Tomoharu-kun!" "Good morning haru-kun!" He's very famous at my school. Everyone knows him. Just say his name and all of guys know him. Even the girls from the Sachi high school know him. They even asked him out several times. It's a mystery that he rejects all the guys and the girls too. Whenever they confessed, he just rejects them right away. When it comes to girls, he does it politely. Am I the only one that he rejects harshly? I have never seen any guy confess to him before.
*Ding dong, lunch* "Ne, Shuu..." "Ah, what is it?" "I'm sorry but, can you eat lunch by yourself today? The teacher called me to go to their staff during lunch time so, sorry Shuu. I can't eat with you today. Maybe tomorrow." *Smile* "Nah, it's okay. Don't worry about it. It bounds to happen sometimes, right? After you finish, you can go to the roof. I'll be waiting, okay?" "Thank you so much." Yuka always being called by the teacher. Yuka said that they were only talking about his studies.
Well, he is smart and all but I never knew that he was that smart! The first time I met him, he was a playful person who doesn't seem to care much about his studies. We played a lot back then. When there were a test or exam, he always scored the highest in school! I told him that he was a genius but he doesn't seem to like it when I said that. So, whenever there's an upcoming test or exam, I'd always ask him to teach me or studied together. I never saw him revise any and when he's in class, I could see that he sleeps a lot and sometimes, he'd look outside the window.
He's so close but yet he's so far. It makes me want to ask him where he'd go? Even though we're best friend for more than 8 years but it feels like I only know less about him. I'm suppose to know him better than anyone else. *Look at watch* "Ah! It almost end!" Ah, I better hurry up and go to the roof! *slides, door opened* *sits* *Munch munch* Ah...I'm alone again. "Tomoharu!" *Choke!* To-tomoharu's here! In a place like this?! "What is it? Hurry up!" *Peek*
"Would you...go out with me?" *Shocked* Ah, that guy just ask Tomoharu out. I-I wonder what'll he said. "*Sigh*" "I-if you don't want to then, will a kiss do?" "Eh?!" Eh?!! A kiss?! "Just one will do! I-I'll give up on you if you kiss me." What the hell?! Giving up so soon! Does that guy really likes Tomoharu?? "Okay, but only one." What the?!! Tomoharu...! *Chuu* *Pain* Tomoharu kissed. "Okay now, are you happy? Now don't disturb me anymore, you got that!" "Umh! *Happy*"
Tomoharu..! How could you! To kiss someone you don't like just because you don't want them to disturb you anymore..!
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