*The next day.* I must confront him just like how we usually do. Umh! “Ah, good morning Yuka!” “*Turns around* Good morning, Shuu. *Smiles*” Ah, he’s in a good mood...Did something happen to him? This is so unusual. I’m sure that he’d be more worried after what happen yesterday. Isn’t he suppose to be asking me if I’m okay? Did he already forgot about it? “Ne, yuka.” “Hmmm?” “*Shocked!!*” He usually said ‘what is it?’ but he just mumbling?!
“*Forcing to smile, arkward* D-did something happen to you yesterday? You kinda seem in a very good mood today. Mind sharing?” “Ah, Shuu. Nah, nothing happen. *Smile*” There is definitely something!! “*Whisper whisper* Tomoharu-kun~ good morning.” Ah, Tomoharu...He’s here.
“That’s why, I’ll never give up to the one I like!”
"*Murmur* Yu...ya..."
It still a mystery to me. Its like he’s hiding something and I know there must be a reason why he’s pretending to be friendly. When he’s with me, all he do is saying harsh words. He never said anything nice. Just what did I do that made him hate me so much? “Shuu, you don’t want to greet him ‘good morning’?” “*Blus——h~!* What’s the sudden? And I thought you don’t want me to get close to ‘him’. What’s wrong with you today?” There is definitely wrong with Yuka today!
“Well, you can do it once in a while, right? If you’re with the others then its okay. Just don’t get too lonely with him.” Ah, is Yuka...being considerate? “Umm..umh! Okay, I’ll try then..*Gulp*” “Walk toward tomoharu* A-ano...t-tomoharu-kun, g-good morning.*Shy*” “*Turns around, looked*” “*Gulp*” “*Smiles, sparkle* Good morning, Takumi.” Eh? He smiles? “Door opened* Okay class, I’ll be calling your names for the attendance. So please be sited”
Tomoharu...smiled for the first time. He usually be calling me something else with his annoyed face. Just what happen to everyone today!!! First, its yuka. He’s been smiling ever since morning. Now, it’s tomoharu. I don’t know which one is more scary! Tomoharu or Yuka? *Ding dong, lunch* “Okay class, I want every one of you to due your homework next week. Class dismiss.” Okay, I should really be asking them what happen but I’m not sure if I can ask Tomoharu though.
“Y-yuka...” “Nani? *Smiles*” Even though this is how he usually replies to me but with that smile on his face, he’s still not himself! “I want you to answer me honestly, can you?” “*Question mark head* Sure, but what is it?” I should know if he’s lying or not because we’ve been best friend from middle school. “Uhh...Are you...I mean...you..” “hmmm?” “Uu—*Tense atmosphere*” With everyone in the class, I can’t even ask him this one question. I’m such a coward.
“Let’s just go to the rooftop first. *Walk, step step*” I’m really pathetic.*Depressed* What should I ask him first? Even though I said I only want to ask him one question but there’s a lot I want to ask! Like why is he in a good mood today. I know I should be happy that he is, but it creeps me out when he’s in a good mood without me knowing it why. I kinda feel guitly not knowing anything from a close friend. I’m sorry Yuka, I’m such a loser.
And there’s that too. The incident from yesterday. I didn’t forget it ever since last night. I just pretend that nothng happen but, that pretend ends now. I must know anything, everything! I don’t want Yuka to hide it from me. I thought we’re best friend! “Slides, door opened* Ah...*Surprise*” “What’s wrong Shuu? You’re stopping in the middle of the way. Come on no— *Surprise...*”
Tomoharu...is here? What is he doing here? He never been here ever since the last time. This is suppose to be our place; Yuka and I lunch time. “Ah, Haruka, Takumi. You guys are eating here? That’s a coincidence. *Smiles*” “Ah, yeah. Shuu and I usually eat here everyday. What brings you here? *making his way to Tomoharu*” Wait a second! Why is Yuka’s being friendly with Tomoharu?! I thought Yuka dont’t like him? What gives?! “I was just having some fresh air and take a short nap.” “Well, sorry to interrupt you then.”
They’re talking as if nothing had happenned between all of us! I don’t even feel like blending in. Should I go somewhere else? Look at them, being all friendly in front of me. I thought Yuka know that I like Tomoharu, but instead he’s the one whose getting close to Tomoharu. *Sad* “*Creak*” “Ah, Shuu...where are you going?” “I’m...just going the toilet for a minute. *Bitter smile*” “Ah, Shuu...wait..!*Try to reach Shuu.*” “*Slam, door shut*” “What are you doing anyway? You’re not suppose to be follow my flow. You should just act how you’re suppose to be.” “*Evil smile* Yes, just what exactly am I doing?”
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