Sunday, January 16, 2011

Mite, ikuzo! chap. 1

'I knew it! He just don't like me because I'm a geek! No one would thought for a second chance! I'm so stupid to give that.'

*Yawn* "Ah, Shuu. You didn't sleep enough?" Ahh, this is my best friend, Yuka. We've been together ever since middle school. We first met at a club activity and were coincidentally a  classmate. "Hmmm...yeah, guess so." Last night, I shouldn't have been checking on him. I'm really regretting it, to think that he might actually fall for me now. 

*Ding dong* "Okay, please be seated student. I'll be taking your attendance now." I wonder why I liked him so much even after he rejected me so bluntly. Furthermore, he even said I was lame to begin with. I'm unpopular and wear specs like geeks. He didn't stop after the rejection, he even humiliates me based on my appearance. It's was the worst!! but still, I can't blame him that I'm still falling for him. 

We've been classmate for 2 years now. I always wonder if he's a popular kid. I didn't know much about him so I kept on looking at him from a far. Wondering what was so good about him. After a few while, I fall for him. I was afraid of confessing to him. Then, when I had the chance, I confessed immediately and he reject me straight away. It was a heart broken. I was so sad! I tried to forget about him but the more I tried the more I want him! I'm so stupid!! 

*Ding Dong* "Class dismiss." *Sigh. "Shuu, what's wrong with you? you don't look good today. You've been sighing all day!" Well, I can't even concentrate on my studies because of HIM!! No, no, it's my fault too for thinking about him in the first place! "Nah, I'm just tired. Come on, let's go eat lunch on the roof!" Yeah, maybe I'm just tired. I wanna skip class after this. *Ka-cha. Open a door* "Waahh, it's so windy yet it's hot!" "yeah, you got that right. hahaha."

I always eat lunch with yuka on the roof. It's the only place that we think it's comfortable. With the wind blowing and the sky is clear for us to see. It's a really great place for me to  take a nap too. lol. 

"Ne, Yuka." "Hmm? What is it?" *Slurp* Haaa..Should I even ask him about this? I'm kinda scared he'll hate me. " know..Tomoharu, right?" *munch* "You mean, Tomoharu Aki in our class?" "Yeah. Him." What should I do!? I'm getting nervous just talking about him with yuka! Aargh! "What are you still talking about him for?" Eh? excuse me? "He did reject you, right?" *SHOCKED* "Eh? eh? What are you talking about? Haha...ha" 

"I over heard you confessing to him in the hall way on school festival last year. He rejected you straight away" *Gulp* "He even humiliates you on your appearance. So stop thinking about him. Won't that make you feel sad thinking about it?" I already know that. I should just stop thinking about him. "But, the more I tried the more I..want him. I know, he's not good for me but the heart wants what the heart wants."

*Stands up* "You can go to the infirmary. I'll go tell the teacher that you're not feeling well." "Yuka, how did you..." That time yuka turn around and looked at me. "We've known each other for too long now, aren'tt we?" *Sniff* *Jump, trying to hug yuka* "Yuka...!!" "Ah, but I'm not going to comfort you after what'll happen to you this time, ya hear me!" "Yuka, you big meanie!!" *bleh*

*Ding dong* *Open a door* "Sensei, I..." *Silence* haa..even the sensei is not here. Oh well, I might as well just lie down on the bed....Urgh, it's too quiet. My mind's blank. 'Sorry, but I don't like you. I mean really, you look like a geek. You're not even popular. you're way lower than lame' *Crying* Why the hell am I remembering what he said to me!! Tomoharu you jerk!! *sniff*

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