Monday, February 21, 2011

Mite, ikuzo! chap. 18

“Oi! Tomoharu!” Ignore it! (Mush!) “Oi! Stupid!” *Snap* “Now what did you just call me?!” “So you like being insult better, huh? *Mumbled*” “What did you just say?!” “Anyway, What’s wrong with you?! You were okay after we got off that cake shop but when you saw that new friend of Shuu, you got all hot-tempered! Just what on earth’s wrong?” “You saw right. He looked scared of me.” “Well, yeah. Anyone would! You started asking him over exaggeratedly! You should calm down! Like it’s been a long time or something. Not don’t you remember me?!”

“Well, of course I’d act like that, he’s my ex-lover” It was a long time ago. I didn’t know what happenned after he was beaten up bad. All I remember was our good days and he ended up ditching me by transferring to another school. Far away.

Mite, ikuzo! chap. 17

“Neh, Takumi-kun.” “Yeah? What is it?” “Hmmm...nothing.*nervous*” We just started being friends after we got bumped into each other the other day and also today. And...I think its really obvious that I’m running away from Yuka. Well, I just didn’t know what to say. I’m pretty much speechless. I even feel like he’s hiding something from me. So today, I’m thinking of relaxing myself with my new friend, Takatsuki Yuya.

“Are you a new transfer student, Takatsuki?” “Hmm? Ah yeah. I just started the other day, when we accidentally bumped into each other.*Embarrass* You can just call me Yuya *Smiles*” “Then, you can call me Shuu. *Smiles*” I’m actually making a new friend...and it feels...kinda good. It’s like a beginning of your new school day. “I’m glad we bumped into each other today. Heh.” “Yeah? Why’s that?”

“Well, I’m not really good with new people for starters.” “*chuckle* No one ever good at first, you need to blend in with them.” “But doesn’t that sounds like being the other you.” “Hmm..*Serious look* You’re making this typical!” “Ah, sorry. It’s just that I want people to know me for who I am.” Being yourself, huh? I think that's the most impossible thing to do. Not really impossible, its just, not all people will accept you for who you are. I know because I already tried it.

“Well, if you ask me, not all people will accept you but there’s definitely someone will *Smiles* Like me, right?” “*Amaze look* Umh! *Smile* I’m really glad I bumped into you today and thank you for helping me with my problems.” I wonder...when did the last time I ever help someone. “No problem. You can tell all your problems and I’ll try my best to help you out.” “Umh!” “Oh yeah,” “Hmmm?” “Want to stop by at my place for dinner? If that’s okay with you?” “*Happy* I want to!”

Yuka hasn’t been coming to my place too lately. We used to play games or make dinners together and he usually worried when I’m alone. I wonder when he stopped coming, or worrying about me. *realize* Ah! I sounded like a spoil brat! *Sigh* Maybe Yuka was spoiling me too much back then and now, maybe because he found himself someone that can actually made him happy and without feeling worried anymore. *teary*

“Shuu? Are you alright? You look like you’re going to cry. Did something happen?” “N-nah. There must be dust in my eyes.*rub*” “Ohh.” I can’t believe I almost cry in front of someone and its my new friend too! I should just relax! Relax!! “Here we are. *Searching for his key in his pocket*” *Unlock the door* “Wah, you lived in an apartment? alone?” “Yeah...” “Doesn’t that make you feel...lonely?” “*sad smile* Now that you mention it, I kinda do feel lonely.” “*Serious face* Then, I’ll stop by to your place everyday!” “Eh? You don’t have to. I’ll just cause you trouble.”

“It’s okay. Since I still haven’t find any other friend. I’ll just stop by to yours. *smile*” “*Sigh* Oh well, that’s up to you then.” “Yey!” For a second there, I just saw my old self. Now I know how Yuka felt back then, spoiling a brat. “Okay, how about we go to the market to buy something for tonight?” “Okay *Smile*” Somehow, it feels....good. Then, does that mean Yuka felt good when he spoiled me? Wasn’t I causing him..trouble?

“Just put your stuff on the sofa, okay?” “You mean here?” “yeah, there. C’mon” Usually, Yuka brings me to the market to buy something for dinner or sometimes for breakfast. “Hey, since tomorrow’s Saturday, do you...” “Hmmm?” “ you want to stay over?” “Eh?” “You know, since you started saying that I might be feeling lonely, I just want to have some company once in while. You know..” “You can call me anytime *smile* in exchange for helping my problem.” “*smile* Thanks.”

I thought that my day would go even better and just then, when I heard a door bell and when I opened it, I saw what I never wanted to see. It was Yuka...and Tomoharu. It was the most wrong time ever! “Hey, Shuu. I was just passing by and wanted to stop by and The guy at the cake shop  wanted to give this to you.” “*Take* Cake?” “Yeah...and he thought that you should stop by next time.” “Ohh.” There was a silence for a second there. I saw Tomoharu with a very shocked expression on his face.

“Yu....ya” And that’s when I feel like I’ve been stuck in a lighting! Now I remember. Tomoharu once said that when he was asleep in the infirmary. I didn’t know what to say. “Neh, Shuu. Who are these guys?” “Oh...yeah. This guy is Haruka yuka, my best friend and this is Tomoharu Aki, classmate.” “Ohh. Then, why didn’t you bring him along when you were about to go home? Usually people go with their closest friend, right? Did you guys get into a fight or something.”

I really didn’t know what to say. I was speechless. “Uhh...” Until, YukaTakatsuki Yuya. Nice to meet you. I’m Shuu’s new friend. *Smile*” “Yu..ya. Is that really you?” “Eh? Do I know you?” I don’t know what happen but, that really shocked Tomoharu. I can tell because its showing all over his face.

“You must have mistaken me as someone else. *scared face*” “No...we’ve been to bliss middle school before. We’re classmate, don’t you remember?” “You know me? I don’t remember.” “But we’ve gone ou— *Look away* nothing.” Yuka too, didn’t know what happen. There it goes, another silence. “Uh..were you two about to go somewhere?” It always been Yuka who start to break the silence. He’d never fail to start a conversation. “Yeah, we were. Shuu wanted me to help him with dinner tonight.” “Yeah.”

“Oh, do you mind if we join along?” I wouldn’t be too shocked if Yuka was the one who’d be asking me that but, it was Tomoharu who ask me such question. I bet...he’s just interested in Yuya. “Uhh..umh, okay. You don’t mind right, Yuya?” “Umh..” Yuya was standing behind me like he was hiding from his mother from being caught. He was new to this school and he’s already afraid of someone.

On our way to the market it was going to be night, so we walk hurriedly before it got dark. “So, what are we going to eat for dinner, Shuu?” “Hmmm...We should buy lots since there's four of us now. Maybe we should eat some curry? And potato and beef?” “That would be nice. Something hot and chewy.” “Should we buy something for tomorrow too, for breakfast I mean.” “Y-You mean, you’re staying for the night?” “Well, tomorrows Saturday, so if thats okay with you?” “But..” “It’s Okay, Shuu. The more the merrier, right *smile*” “Okay then.”

From my place till we got to the market, Tomoharu was the only one who kept quiet. We bought what we wanted to and got home after that. We all started to help out in the kitchen. “Tomoharu! Stop lying down on the sofa and get your butt here and help us out! If you don’t, you’re not going to eat anything!” “Geez, alright already. What do you want me to help anyway? It’s not like we need to eat that many. Takumi said curry, potato and beef. You should be doing the curry, yuya should be preparing the potato and takumi should be doing the beef. See? It’s all the right people with the right thing.”

“*Angry* Fine! Shuu, yuya, you guys don’t mind him. He’s always been like this. Laziness is one of his personality! Remember to cook for only the three of us, okay?” “Che! Why you! Fine! What do you want me to do?” “Took you long enough!” “Just tell me already!” “You do the rice, and the plate and also the cup and spoon too.” “Are you kidding me?! That’s too many for me to do!” “What? You can’t do it? You can just tell me. *Rolled eyes*” “*Angry* Of course I can! Just watch!” “Okay, I will. *Grin*”

They looked so close. It’s like I just knew them. “Shuu! You’re beef! It’s steaming a lot!” “Eh? Waah!” “Next time, be careful! Stop day dreaming! Focus what you’re doing!” “Uh, umh...Sorry.” I’ve been scold by Tomoharu. “Don’t mind him, Shuu. It’s not your fault that you’re scared of something here.” “What’s something! I’m a person, you stupid!” “Good, I thought you wouldn’t know!” But then again, Yuka seems like wanting to start a war or something. “Damn you! I’m going out!”

“Have you even finish what your doing?!” “Ages ago! *Slam*” “That guy. Shuu, call me if the dinners ready, okay?” “Eh? O-okay...”

Mite, ikuzo! chap. 16

“—haru..” “Tomoharu!” What the? “And you said I was the one whose having a deep thought.” Wow, I never thought I would be remembering those memories again. It was so long time ago. Going back to the past. Those bitter sweet memories. And right now, the present. “Ah yeah. Come on. We’re not going to stand outside forever now, are we?” “*Mumbled* Well, you’re the one that wanted to stand here.” Like I didn’t hear that?!

*Door charm* The same as always. The smell of sweet cakes. “Ah, Aki-kun. You’re here again. Same as always?” “Ah nah. I’ll a pick a different one today.” “Hmmm? Changing a different taste now?” “Well, have to try others too, right? *chuckle*” “*Chuckle* yeah. *realize* ah..You’re Haruka-kun, right? It’s been a long time. How’s it been?” “Ah..Yeah. Fine, as always.”

“Eh? You guys knew each other? Since when?” He’s been here before? I never knew that.... and to think that I came here almost everyday and never realize he came here too. “Where’s the other guy? Hmmm...Who was it again..Ahh..Ah! Takumi-kun..You’re not with him today?” Eh? Takumi too? “Ne, oji-san..” “I told you not to call  me that! It’s Hi-ro-to. Got it?” “Yeah, yeah, Hiroto-oji-san” “Just leave that oji-san out, will ya? I’m not that old yet.” “*Mumbled* You’re about to.” “This kid...!”

“Anyway~ How’d you know these guys. I mean him and Takumi.” “Well, I haven’t seen them around for a long time now.” So they stopped stopping by then? “They used to come here almost everyday. Buying the same cakes, different cakes and even birthday cakes. And to continue, just ask the guy directky because even I don’t know the reason why he stopped stopping by. and since when did you ever care about things like this.” Well, it’s just out of curiosity. I think? “Nothing particular. Is Harumi-san here today?” “Yeah, he’s here. I think its his break time now *Look at his watch*. Just don’t disturb him too much while he’s on his work, okay?” “yeah, yeah..”

“You’re awfullly quiet. Something caught you?” Was he trying to hide it? Or was it there’s nothing else to talk about? Nah, that’s not it. Usually he used to talk about something to break the silence. But now he...? *door opened* “Harumi-san? Are you here?” “Hmmm? Aki-kun? Man, everyday...*Realize* Ah..You’re....*trying to remember back*...Ha..Haru..Haruki?” “Ah..It’s Haruka.” “Hahaha, Sorry sorry. Its been a long time. What brings you here? Did Aki-kun drag you all the way here? Don’t mind him. He’s always like that.”

“Harumi-san! I was just going to buy some cakes like I usually do and I happened to feel like bringing some company with me thats all. It’s not like I’m forcing him to, right, Haruka?” “*Mumble* yeah right!” “Why you...!” “Anyway, just pick one already..Stop making lousy fuss in my store!” It’s never been quiet whenever I’m around with my family. I just don’t want them to be quiet. It feels like we’re stranger for not talking about something, even if its not related to family, at least we communicate each day.

I used to be so talkative and I know that I still am till this day, but I’m not as how I used to be. It got harder when I knew about adult things like responsibility. “Ah, here. Give this to that other guy of yours, okay?” “Eh? No, its okay. I’ll just buy it something for him.” “C’mon now, you don’t have to be shy. Just take it. Tell him to come here next time, okay?” “*take* O-okay.” We act as if we’re from normal family. Sometimes, we tried hard to be one.

Just like Harumi-san here, he started opening a bakery shop because he thought that it might make him forget about the past and just start moving forward. “Okay, we’re off, harumi-san! C’mon, lets go.” “Yeah, yeah. Go on now. Be careful, okay?” “I’m not in kindergarten anymore. I can take care of myself just fine.” “Yeah, right.” “Hmph!” See? At least, we talked.

“You’re pretty close with your cousin, huh? And it surprised me that you talked a lot.” “Well, we need to tighten our bonds.” “Bonds?” “Yeah, you know, like how a family would do.” “For what?” “Hmmm...? Well, just because. *Smiles*” “Just because? What? You’re feeling lonely or something? Heh.” “Of course not! I’m surrounded by many people in my family you know.” “You mean cousins.” “Whatever!”

I never thought of that before. Then, all this time, I was feeling lonely? Well I have older brother and younger, but they're not as often as I am at home. Guess, I am just feeling lonely? And I can’t believed he’d be saying this to me. “So, we’re stopping by to Shuu’s house?” “Well, yeah. We have to. We’re going to deliver that cake to him, right?” “Well, I’m not so sure about that. I mean, he might not want to see me or us right now.” “What makes you say that?”

“Today, when we’re suppose to be going home together like usual, he refuses and he even said that he has a new friend that I don’t even know. I mean, a best friend that doesn’t know who this new friend is?” “Well, it sounds to me you’re just feeling jealous.” “Yeah, right. And what’re you suppose to be? Making the situation worst? Don’t you feel jealous? I mean, you like him, right? Or did you already give up on him?”

It’s true that I like him. And very much too. “It’s just that I can’t see where my position can be jealous of him. I know I do but then, what does it have to do with him? He doesn’t even know that I like him and I bet he think I despise him very much that I insulted him.” “well, yeah. Who wouldn’t think they’re being despise after being rejected and insult after that?” “You know, at a time like this, its where you should try your best to comfort the poor guy?”

“Yeah, I am. Shuu’s pretty upset about what you said to hi—” “I didn’t mean him!” “Oh, you were talking about yourself. Well, its your fault!” “Thanks! *rolled eyes*” “Anyway, its already late. We better hurry up.” One day, I know that I should be telling him the truth, but I’m not so sure about when that one day is. Will he give up on me? I wonder who will give up first. Me or him? I don’t want him give up on me and I too, don’t want to give up on him. I want our feelings to be even more stronger than before, but I just can’t see if its possible for him.

I’ll just pray that he won’t give up on me. Yeah. *Smile* “What are you smiling about?” “Ah, nothing.” “you’re thinking about something, aren’t you?” “I told you, its’s nothing!” “Pervert.” “What the—?!” *sigh* 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Mite, ikuzo! chap. 15

I didn’t know for how many hour I’ve been kneeling there but my knee felt really numb! I thought to myself that I better go back to the hospital or else I’ll make every one’s worried! I walked down the stairs. I don’t feel like running because my legs can’t take it. I’ll just end up tripping down. As I walk down the stairs, passing by the houses, shops, I thought to myself, hoping that Kami-sama could hear my pray. How I really want kami-sama to hear my one and only dearest pray to my one and only dearest chikage-san.

When I was just entering the entrance to the hospital, one of my father secretary ran towards me, calling me that everyone was worried. So, he pulled me and we went to the lift. He asked me where I was but I just kept quiet. He didn’t seem to be asking anymore question. All he said that I should tell someone before disappearing and it’s dangerous for me to be outside alone at night. When we’re out of the lift, the doctor from the operation came out and said that he was alive but his situation wasn’t that good.

The doctor let us see him. I saw Harumi-san hold something so tight on his hand. When we’re inside, I saw Chikage-san, his eyes were bandaged. I knelt beside him while Harumi-san stood beside him the other way. Harumi-san cried out of relieve. I wasn’t the first one to come to the room. “Aki-kun, your father said that you went somewhere when I was in the operation room. Where did you go?” I cried looking at Chikage-san’s situation.

I gripped his hand. “*Hic hic* I..I was praying all the time. When you were in the operation room, all I could think was pray. Hoping that kami-sama would give you another chance.” “Aki-kun...” “...and, Harumi-san prayed for you too....right, Harumi-san?” At first, Harumi-san looked like he could hold his tears back but at any moment he went burst into tears. He gripped Chikage-san’s hand. “I was so scared..*Hic hic* I never wanted to lose you. Never...Just like what Aki-kun said, all I could think was pray for you.” “*Touch Harumi-san’s face* Thank you, both of you and everyone too.”

I didn’t stop there. I continued my words. “Chikage-oji-san, in this world, we’re not alone. You’re not alone. You don’t have to do all those things alone. You have Harumi-san, me, all of us. You don’t have to take all the burdens alone. We’re family, right? I bet, Harumi-san would very be sad if you'd take all those things” That moment, I could see Chikage-san’s face was flowing with tears while his mouth was opened a bit. Even though his eyes were bandanged, I could still imagine his sad face, his relieve face. In the end, we were all relieved that Chikage-san was okay. And from that day on, Harumi-san will stay by his side always.

After 2 years pass, I understand what relationship they were in back then. Like asking myself why Harumi-san desperately cried for Chikage-san while everyone was just worried? Harumi-san would always wait for Chikage-san. And also, that night...I finally able to understand their situation. Even though no one knows....yet, I think I’ll support them. I understand what it means by happiness, someone important to you. To me, whats important is that everyone is happy. And I know that Chikage-san would want that too.

After that horrible memories or more like incident, Chikage-san was forced to retired from his job. Of course he woouldn’t accepted that easily. Harumi-san suggested that it’s time that he should retired and just relax. Even though he’s not that old but I bet, Harumi-san just don’t want to repeat the same mistake to what had already happenned to Chikage-san again. I support Harumi-san. Even I don’t want Chikage-san to make the same incident again. It was terrifying because he was in front of me at that time.

I didn’t know what to do. Blaming myself as if it was my fault. Though I still thought it was my fault. I tried to cherish him like how Harumi-san cherish him too but I think I won’t surpass Harumi-san.

My father, me and also Harumi-san insisted that Chikage-san should be better off retired. He even said “Am I really that unworthy to protect this family *Sad*” But what surprised me the most was that we three shouted at him at the same time. “It’s for the best of you!!” He laughed after that but Harumi-san said that its not a laughing matter. He knew that the three of us were serious. After that, we all calmed down.

“If you want me to retired, I have one condition.” We all looked at him, what will he be thinking about this time. “I want...someone to take my place. Someone whose strong, worthy and trustable.” My father said that he’d hire someone with all those characteristic, but Chikage-san shook his head. My father looked confused. “No, I don’t want anyone else. I've already chosen him.

I was so curious who this guy could be since he rejected father’s proposal. “Then, who will it be?” My heart went beating so fast! “It’s...Aki-kun. *Smiles*” Everyone, I mean, father and Harumi-san looked at me, then looked at Chikage-san back. “You want my child to take your place?! But he’s not strong enough!” Dad was obviously shocked to Chikage-san’s decision.

“I may retired from this job but I didn’t say that I’d retired from training. So, I’ll trained him as soon as possible.” Father was speechless and so were harumi-san. But since its for Chikage-san’s sake, they and I approved. And the next day, it was my first training. I didn’t even know ‘as soon as possible’ was this soon! And So, I learn so many defending skill. He hardly tought me any fighting technique. He did but, only basics one.

For the past few months, when there were fightings, my dad’s secretaries would take Chikage-san’s place. I was never been called up to fight them. I can only come when there were people taken as hostage because I can only defend them. And also, they didn’t want me to end up like Chikage-san. Sometimes, all the secretaries were badly injured but sometimes weren’t. That’s all due to the situation they were in. It depends what fight situation, like fighting with knives, fists or sometimes gun, but that’s hardly ever happen.

1 year past, and I went to middle school. For the past few months, feelings were mixed up. And thats where I got myself a lover. I loved him very much with all my heart. Soon, I forgot what situation I was in. I’d forgot that I was from a yakuza family and for a second there, I felt like I was from a different family, like a normal one. I was happy how it was going but that happiness didn’t stay very long when I bumped into some other yakuza’s family.

The only thing I remembered back then was yuya’s face was terrified when the yakuza’s guys were holding knife. He was shivering, knees shaking. And thats where all of it was just a fake. I could never come from a normal family. I could never have happiness. All I could feel was just hurting people. Even though I said that I was good at defending, but at that moment, I didn’t know how to control my panic situation.

I didn’t know what I should be afraid of the most, fighting with a yakuza’s guys with knife without any experience, or loosing the one you loved the most that filled with happiness. It didn’t take very long. The yakuza’s guys hold me up and kept on kicking me on the stomach. They hold me down tightly, pulled my hair and when I looked up, I was afraid, really afraid. I didn’t know what was wrong with me but my tears started to flow to my cheek.

I saw my lover, yuya was beaten up very badly. He was kicked hard down to the ground. All I could see that yuya was covered with blood all over and bruises too. I got mad and out of control. I almost killed all of the guys and when I was conscious, I was lying on the bed of my room. My body hurt. I was covered with bandaged. I didn’t remember anything till a moment strikes me. I stood up, walking gobbled as if I was drunk. I went out of my room, to the hall and thats when I saw Chikage-san, Harumi-san and also father.

At first, they were shocked that I moved all of the sudden with all the bandaged. So, they hold me and told me to calm down first. After that, they all looked very sad at me. I didn’t understand why they put up such a face. Then, they looked at each other. “Aki-kun, I think...its better for you to transfer school...again.” I was shocked that I got mad. “Why?! Urrghh *Headache*” They hold onto me but I slapped them. “You know right? Rumors can spread quite fast these days and they didn’t want you to go to that school anymore...”

I knew it. Why is it? All I want was just a fucking normal life!! I never wanted to be born into this yakuza family!! It’d driving me nuts!! Its making me going mad!!

But then, I knew, even Chikage-san, Harumi-san too, didn’t want to get involved in this Yakuza matter. To be living in a normal life, is what I think a very impossible for me.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Mite, ikuzo! chap. 14

It was a tragedy night. It was a very calmed night but yet there was a badly injured person in my family and got sent to the hospital. It was...Chikage-san. Harumi-san was contacted and went to the hospital immediately after the call. I was at the hospital with my father and the others. We were all worried. He was in the operation room. “Chikage-san! Chikage-san!” Harumi-san went mad! My father grip him and told him to calm down.

“How can I calm down?! Chikage-san is in there! *Cried* Chikage-san..” “*Hugged* Yes, we know. We are all very worried too, but we can’t do anything. All we have to do is wait till he doctor comes out, okay? If you get all noisy, they might want us to go home. I’m sure you don’t want that, right?” “*cried*” “Come on now, go sit over there. Just calm down first, okay?”

Even I don’t know what to do but, I can’t just sit down and do nothing. Then, I remembered.I first saw him at the temple. Chikage-san had always been cleaning the ground that’s piled with dead leaves. I had always been hiding, scared that I’ll be killed. Harumi-san always told me that Chikage-san was a nice person.

After sometimes, Chikage-san would always pray after the cleaning. Then, one time he pray with his voice out. He usually prayed quietly. “Kami-sama, I have committed a lot of sins from back then, now or maybe later. Please give strength to endure the pain. Please, give peace and harmony to my family. Kami-sama, please.”

I saw how desperate Chikage-san was when he prayed. My family have never been in any chaos so I thought that Chikage-san was weird since our family have already been in peace and harmony...but, ever since then, I could only see Chikage-san’s was injured a lot of time due to fightings. But it seems that, even if Chikage-san was injured, it looked like a lot of people know why..And after a long while, I understand. He was just trying to protect the family.

After Chikage-san leaves the temple. I sneak out from my hiding and start to pray too. “Kami-sama, I’m sorry that I thought Chikage-oji-san was a bad person and even though Harumi-san had always told me that he was kind and I never took his advise. He is the most kindest person in my family, I think? and anyone I’ve ever known. Please forgive his sins. He just do what’s best for all of us and I cherish him the most. Please, kami-sama! *Clench his eyes*”  It may be the most embarrassing to say all those things because when I turn around, I found out that Chikage-san was standing right behind me!!

I blushed really hard. “Eh...eto..Ano..Ehh...waaaa...*BLUSHED*” “*Chuckle* You don’t have to be embarrassed like that. I’m happy that you prayed for me. *Smiles*” Even if he said that I shouldn’t be embarrassed, I just can’t stop blushing! After that, we left the temple together and stop by at a cake shop. The cake shop was run by Harumi-san’s parents. I’ve never been there before. “Come on, lets buy something for harumi-san and the others too.” I never thought that Chikage-san was so considerate to the others.

“Chikage-oji-san..I’m..sorry.*sad*” I should never thought of him as a bad guy since he’s this kind! “*Smiles* Don’t worry. People just mistaken me for what I do.” “That’s why they’re wrong! You were doing for someone else’s sake! You’ve never been selfish wanting money, fame or anything else. All you want was just to protect the family and I..*Hic hic* I was thinking like those people too..” “*Stroke his hair* It’s okay. If you start crying, people might mistaken me even more” “Ah..I’m sorry” “Come on now.” “Umh!”

After we bought a lot of cake, around 6-8 people approached us. I was scared while Chikage-san covered me from behind. “What do you want?” Chikage-san sounded like a different person. I don’t even know what to do. “What do we want? Heh *Smirk* We want pay back! Ya hear me!?” “I’m not deaf yet, so keep your voice down a bit.” “What the hell?! You messin’ around with us?! *eyes wide open*” “*Bend down* Aki-kun, when I said go, run as fast as you can. Don’t look back, okay? Go home immediately!” “But...”

“Aww...your last chit chat, old man?! What? Don’t tell me you’re going to back down?” “Just don’t cry after what you’ll get.” “Why you...! *Run forwards* Yaaaaa.!!!!”  “Now go!” “Eh? But...” “I said go!” I do what he said, but it feels wrong leaving him alone with those guys. I want to turn back and help him. But I don’t know what to do. Ah! I should contact father! Ah, but only Chikage-san has the cell phone..maybe I should turn back??

“Kids like you should just go to school and learn something. You shouldn’t be fighting on the streets. Don’t your parents ever teach you that?” “man, this old man just keeps on pissing me off every single time he opened his mouth!!” “Why don’t you shut his mouth already, heiya! Heh..” “Yeah, just shut that old man up!! It’s annoying!” “Now lets play *Knife*” “Knife? Cowards... *Serious*” “Tch!! The hell!! Die, you old man!! *Move forward*”

I was hiding behind a wall more like beside some trash. It’s not too far from the fight, but it’s not too near either but I can see it clearly. I was amazed how Chikage-san can dodge that man while holding a knife but at the same time, I felt really worried. 6 guys have been down for a while. There’s only 2 more. The man that hold the knife was still up. He just pushed his men to fight chikage-san and chikage-san manage to pull them down.

Chikage-san hasn’t been injured, though I don’t want him to. The guy with a knife made his move and Chikage-san dodge it, the second guy from behind hold his 2 arms behind. “Heh. Never knew you’d think that simple, huh? Stupid old man! Well, your life ends now! Die!!”!!! Chikage-san can’t die!! He can’t!! I was out of control. So I took some heavy things like an empty wooden box and throw it to the guy that holds the knife.

“Yaaaahhh!!! *throw*” I aimed for his head. While the guy that holds Chikage-san looked puzzled, Chikage-san took the chance and kick him hard on the stomach. He can barely stood up. “Aki-kun! I thought I told you to go home! What were you thinking?! It’s dangerous, you know that?!” “But..I just don’t want to leave you alone with those guys. You were in a dangerous situation too..So, I thought that I might help you...” “*Sigh* Well, at least you’re okay.”

“i..iteee... hey kid..You know that’s my head?! It hurts like hell man! I’ll give you a pay back and you can feel how I feel! *Run forwards*” the guy can still stood up and ran towards me..I’m going to die?! I’m going to die!! *Clench his eyes* *Slash* When I opened my eyes slowly and saw chikage-san was lying on the ground...and there was blood all over him. “Tch! *Runs away*” I was on a critical shocked! I didn’t know what to do. Is chikage-san’s going to die?!

Then, there’s a ring tone coming from his pocket. I saw it was father’s number and father’s name. I answered in panic. “Aki-kun? Where’s Chikage?” “*Hic hic* Father...” “Aki-kun?! What’s wrong?! Aki-kun?! Where’s Chikage?! Give him the phone!” “Father...Chikage-san..he’s...he’s dying...*Hic hic* there’s a lot of blood all over him..father..” “What?! Aki-kun, where are you right now?”

It wasn’t long enough until they came. They even bring an ambulance too. I was still crying don’t know what to do. I-it’s all my fault! It’s my fault that Chikage-san was dying! Right now, there’s only father, harumi-san and 5 other people in the hospital waiting for Chikage-san’s result. He was put in the operation room. I feel so guilty. I don’t want to sit and do nothing. I just have to do something, because it’s my fault! I start to walk away from the hospital. “Aki-kun, where are you going?”

I don’t want to answer it but.. “I’ll come back!” “Aki-kun...!” father shouted at me, asking where I go. But I just can’t answer that. Because that place is where I prayed for Chikage-san’s. *Pants pants* It’s not that far and not that near either. I kept on running and when I arrived at the temple, I knelt down and began to pray. “Kami-sama, I beg you. Please, save Chikage-oji-san! It’s my fault! So don’t take away his life just yet! Please kami-sama, please! *Tears* Don’t take him away.”

That night, all I do was kept on praying. Hoping that Kami-sama would save Chikage-san’s life.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Mite, Ikuzo! Chap. 13

“Chikage-san! Chikage-san! *Happy, running*” “Aki-kun? you’re up early..*Smiles*” Chikage-san was the main top person in my family since generation. I admired his bravery. Every night, there’s always been a fight and when Chikage-san got back home, he’d always looked injured and some blood were stained on his clothes. The first time I met him, it's when I was around 12 years old, I was terrified of him. Every one respected him, he’s like the dearest person in the family.

After sometimes, my cousin, Harumi-san, told me that he done it every night. Harumi-san also said that he killed people. I was just a kid so I got even more terrified when I heard it. Harumi-san continue his words, “Even if he killed people, he never intend to do it in the first place. *Bitter smile*” “Then why do chikage-oji-san do it?! It’s not nice to kill people! *Angry*” Harumi-san kept on smiling as if it was a good thing. “Aki-kun, let me ask you something. What will you do if you heard there were people who wanted to kill your family, siblings, cousin or your dearest one?”

“Of course I’ll kill them first before they get their dirty hand lays on my family! *serious*” “Now, do you understand why Chikage-san do the same thing, Aki-kun? Ah..*stunned*” The word 'kill' just came out of my mouth. I didn't even meant to say it. “Chikage-san loves this family very much as much as you love yours.” I finally understand how suffered chikage-san has been all this time. There always been a rumor saying that my family has a murderer. Even at my school, I heard there’s mothers’ taking their children away from me.

“Don’t play with that kid over there, okay?” “But mom, Tomoharu-kun is nice. Why can’t I play with him?” ‘He’s dangerous! I don’t want my kid to play with dangerous people!”

I often hear those words. After that, I got transfered to a lot of school. My family even tried hard to keep it a secret but it just leak so quickly! I never wanted to trouble my family by transfering me to somewhere else just because the secret leaked out. I don’t care what other people say, because I know the truth! They don’t know how much pain Chikage-san tried to protect my family! If only...if only they knew how it’d feel when their family’s in danger!

“Urgh...*Can’t walk properly” “Chikage-oji-san! Are you alright?! *Grip*” I saw cikage-san was badly injured. I wasn’t scared of him anymore because I know, he just wanted to protect this family. “Aki-kun, you’re not scare....having an uncle like me? *Pants pants*” “Of course not! I’m happy that I have an uncle like you!” “Heh, *Smiles*” “Come on, walk slowly, I’ll bring you to the living room.” At that time, when I saw Chikage-san smile, I kinda understand that he doesn’t want to be hated by the family or anyone else.

“Ah, Chikage-san. You look badly injured! You wait here, I’ll go get the first aid.” That doctor has always been like a family too. He’s always worried about Chikage-san health. “You’re finish early. What happened *Concern face*” “Ah, Harumi. Their were only several of them. It’s not as many as I expected to it be too.” “Even if its not as many as you were expected it to be, you should take care your body a little. What happen if you’ll be dead lying around the ground!”

They’ve always been arguing like this. Harumi-san is the only one who worried about Chikage-san the most. They’re 5 years different. “If I die, then I must be really finding someone to substitude me in the future, fast. *Bitter smile*” “*Angry, slap* Don’t you dare start talking about dying in front of me!” “Aki-kun, would you go help the doctor? It looks like he’s taking a long time.” “Ah, umh! *Walk away*” Even after I leave the room, I could still hear them arguing. I was just a kid, so I don’t understand that much.

In the middle of the night, I was going to the toilet. On my way there, I passed by Chikage-san’s room. I heard noises coming from that room. Since it’s already midnight, I thought that I might be hearing things, so I ignored it. But, I heard it again. I peek through the door and I was so shocked! I saw Harumi-san and Chikage-san were kissing each other. I turn around as my heart skip a beat. I kept on thinking ‘wasn’t it suppose to be a girl and a boy? Can two guy kiss?!’ I heard noises again...

“Ah..No wait..Someone may hear us. Ah..”
“*licked, licked* Don’t worry everyone’s already asleep. Just try lowering your voice down a bit. *Suck nipple*”
 My heart beats even faster! I wanted to go away as soon as possible but somehow, my body felt hot. Even though I shouldn’t continue peeking, I just did.
“*Suck* You’re already this wet, huh? Such a lewd body you usual..*Kiss, stroke*”
I can’t stop looking at those two. My body become hotter and hotter and got erect from watching them. *Gulp* A-are they having s-sex?? Can guys do that? But, where do they put their thing in...*Gulp*
“Ahh..No more...Haahh...haahhh...Hurry..put it in...*Spread his leg open*”
Eh?! You’re kidding! In the butt? Won’t that hurt?!
“Can’t you wait abit more..let me loosen it up for you. *Lick his asshole*”
“Ahhh...n-no more..*Put his finger into his mouth* I-I’ll come if you keep on doing that...I’ll be fine..just out it in already...”
“*Sweat* Haahh...really, you’re really good at seducing me, you know that? okay, here I go. *Thrust*”
“Does it hurt? *Pants pants* *Hold harumi in his arm*”
“N-no, haaahh...I’m alright..just start moving..
“*Hold harumi's hip, thrust thrust* Harumi...*Hugged*”
“Ahh..! Haahh...aahhh..yaahh...uuhnnn.. *kiss* Ummhh...umm..”
“*Thrust thrust thrust* Lower your voice a little. Does it really feel that good that you keep on moaning?”
 Feel..good? *put his hand in this pants, stroke stroke* Ahh..
“More..Move faster...harder..ahh..haaahhh..”
“Heh. *Thrust thrust*”
Ahh..ahhh... It’s like..I’m feeling it. Ahh..
“Chikage..haahh..I’m coming...coming..”
“Then, come Harumi..”
“Ahhh..ahh..commi— *Hugged*”
 *Pant pant* I cum. *Sticky*
“Haahh..haahh..*Kiss* Umh..umh..Chikage..”

After that night, Chikage-san got busier and busier while Harumi-san just can’t stop worrying. Awaiting Chigake-san to come home is what Harumi-san been doing all the time.

Mite, ikuzo! chap. 12

Should I really tell Shuu about what happen? He seems really bothered by that incident..Well...Of course he’d be bothered, because I’m stuck in a situation with Tomoharu...! Tch...! I didn’t plan it end up like this.

“Well, since you already predict it how it’ll definitely gonna happen, then I’ll try my best to avoid it.”

Did he really avoid it? Or was it just coincidental? I still can’t get through this! “Oi! You’re not going home with him again today?” Speaking of the devil... “He said he’s going with a friend of his...Why’d you ask? *Angry look*” “Whoa...Easy there. When you said a friend of his, does that mean you don’t know this ‘friend’?” Man, I really want to shut him up. I don’t even feel like talking to this guy. “Guess not. *Looked away*” “Heh. Did you got ditch or something?”

I really should be ignoring him from the beginning. “*Silence*....” “Ohh...Did I got it right?” Ignore it! “Too bad..Maybe I’ll try asking him to go home with me sometime.” “*Look at tomoharu* Well, why don’t you try then?” “You don’t care? Oh well, I might even get him to listen to me every single word and stop meeting you for once.” “*Shocked*” This guy...! He’s just the type of guy that really can’t be ignore by people!

“*Looked at the window*” “Aren’t you going home? How about we go home together?” Is this guy really sane?! Sometimes he get pissed off but then he got really nice! It’s like nothing ever happen between us! “Just what are you thinking?! Wanna go home with me?!” “Well, that’s what I ask. Did you hear it right?” Is he...making fun of me or something?! *Eye twitching*

“Come on, we might even meet up with this ‘friend’ of his. Don’t you want to?” Is he only thinking on meeting Shuu’s friend? “You know, what do you think if Shuu caught us together?” “Hmmm? Caught us together? What do you mean by that? Hmmm? *Grin*” “*Surprise*” “Besides, we didn’t do anything, did we?” “Of course not! Never in my life!” “Then, it’s okay, right?” “You know...Sometimes, that brain of yours, doesn't seem to work properly. I don’t even know how the heck you got into this class?!”

“Oi..What are we talking about my brain for? I’m asking about going home together here..” All he thinks is simple. He never seem to care about anything that’ll happen to Shuu’s pure innocent feelings! “What will you do if he caught us together going home? He even doesn’t seem to be himself after we got into class. Do you realize that?” Guess this guy is pretty slow.. “Hmmm...I thought I put up a good rumor about my cramped leg.” “*Eye twitching* Do you really think he’s that stupid!? I told you not to underestimate him! You just don’t understand him!”

“That’s why, let’s go home together and when he really do meet with us. I’ll explain to him thoroughly...” H-he’ll gonna tell him? About what really happen? “...though if you don’t mind, of course..*smile*” *surprise* D-did he plan all this from the beginning?! “Do you think it’ll be that simple? Once he knows the truth he’ll—” “...find it hard to believe?” “*Surprise* Uuhh—” He...understands?? 

“But then, that doesn’t mean he’d give up that easily , right?” Ah...he took my words back then. Is he serious?! “Are sure about this?” “A man doesn’t take his words back, you know?” Yeah, yeah..A man’s words, huh? “So, can we go now? It’ll be night if you keep on thinking here, come on.” Hmph...Really this guy.. “You better know what you’re going to do!” “Don’t worry *Smiles* I’ll be fine. Just watch me.” This guy sounds so real but he might be feeling nervous and scared right now and I bet he is!

“You know, you don’t have to make it sound like its your last moment,  you know?” “What? Doesn’t that make me look like I’m a bit considerate of someone?” Considerate? Being considerate? What’s there to be considerate about? “Considerate?” “*Pull Yuka’s hand* Now, now. Let’s go!” “O-oi!”

“*Slam, closing shoe locker* Wanna stop by at a cake shop?” cake shop? I thought we’re suppose to go home. “Can’t you buy it tomorrow?” “Aww, come on. I’m craving for one!” He has sweet tooth, huh? Just like Shuu... Maybe I should buy one for him too? “Come on, come on! It’ll be night if we keep standing here!” Man, somehow, I feel like baby sitting a big baby... “Alright, alright. Keep your whining!”

We used to stop by at a cake shop, and Shuu always keep on me dragging and in the end, we almost go there everyday. We even got used to people there. It’ like we’re neighbors but they're from a different district.. Shuu always took his time talking with the chef who makes the cake. We stop going to that cake shop because he got to prepare for his test back then. And even after that test, we somehow stopped stopping by. Shuu never even ask or drag me into that cake shop.I wonder if there’s something happened?

“Hmmm? Yeah, guess so. My cousin runs this shop.” Eh? “Ehhhh??” What the?! He’s cousin?! “B-but I thought you’re family were...” “Well, not all actually. And my cousin said that he wanted to run a cake shop and here it is. Guess he has more easy life *Pain smile*” So, even yakuza family can choose their life choice, huh? I wonder why he picked to be in yakuza family... “Then, why did you choose your choice to be in your family, the yakuza family?” “Well, that is....”

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Mite, ikuzo! chap. 11

*Pants pants, running* It can’t be! It can’t be!! *Clenching his eyes shut* Yuka would understand!! I know he would! Because he’s...! *Bam* “I...itai...” Did I hit the wall while running? “*Opened his eyes* Ah..” I hit on someone.. “I’m sorry, I didn’t see you...*Stands up* Of course I didn’t see him! I closed my eyes while running! “It’s okay, I’m fine. Good thing you didn’t hit a wall...” “.....” Ah, did he just said wall? Did he just said something inside my mind??

“*Look at his watch* Ah, its already late. Sorry about that. *Wave his hand up*” What was that all about? We bumped into each other and he goes away like that. Well at least I did apologize to him properly...or so I think..But right now, I’m in more serious matter. This time, I will go to class even if something did happen. I won’t run away. Never again....(?)  *Slide, door opened* “You’re late, takumi-kun! You’re suppose to be in class in the past 10 minutes!”

“Ah, sorry sensei. I forgot that you’re teaching after lunch *smiles*” *Class laughing* “*Blushed* A-anyway, go sit to your place!” Yeah, I can’t show it to other people about my personality feelings. I should only show it to myself. Only to myself. *sits* I should just give up...? I did try my best....Eh? best? Is it because I haven’t try my best that he doesn’t notice me yet? But what does it have to do with Yuka? What did Yuka did? What drives Tomoharu onto Yuka? What does Yuka has that I don’t?

*Slides, door opened* “Sorry sensei, we’re kinda late.” “Kinda late!? It’s almost 15 minutes till my lessons are over. Both of you are going to work 3 times than the class you hear me! No excuses!” “But we were...” “No buts! Now go to your sits!” They were really late. What were they doing? Ah! Did they...done it...?? At school?! It can’t be! Right? They won’t do it at such place...No! I shouldn’t be thinking any negative thoughts about them. I should ask them if i want to know what really happens.

Because only they know the truth. If I start thinking about something thats not true, I’ll just be nothing more than a rumor maker. But I...don’t know if I have the guts to ask them about it. I’ll just be a busybody and I’ll definitely be in their way for sure. But I need to make sure if they really are going out or not. *Ding dong* “Okay, class dismiss and both of you, Tomoharu-kun adn Haruka-kun, make sure you do your work and due it tomorrow at lunch time!”

“Tomorrow?! At lunch time? But it’s 3 times more harder than the class! It’s not fair.” ”Well, that’ll make sure that you won’t miss my next class. If you’re not going to do it tomoharu, I’ll deduct your marks and you will stay for another year!” *Slides, door shut* “Tch! Just because he’s a teacher that doesn’t mean he can control me!” “Ne, Tomoharu-kun, just why were you late for class? And with Haruka-kun too? What happen?” Ah, it started. Just what were they doing?

“My legs were cramped after sitting for so long. So, haruka was just helping me standing up but it was hard for him too.” “Is that why you guys were so late?” “Yup. Sorry if that  makes you worried.” “If you’re okay, then everything is alright.*Smiles*” Tha-That’s a lie! As if he was sitting for so long! I saw him lying on Yuka!

“Shuu...Do you want to go home together today?” He’s talking as if nothing happen. As if he doens’t want me to know anything about them. “It’s alright. I’m...going back with a friend. He request me if I can go with him today.” A lie. Such lies. “A friend? Who is it?” Things will never be how it used to be...since Yuka already has someone special. “ one you know.” “*Surprise* Eh? Someone I don’t know? Not in our class?”

“Y-Yeah, he’s from another class.” I don’t even know whom I'm talking about. “From what class?” Ah.... “He-he’s from...” *Ding dong, ends school* “Ah, It’s already end of school. I better wait for him. B-bye.” “*Reach Shuu’s hand* Shuu..I—” “Please, he’ll be waiting if I don’t be there.” “*Angry look* Shuu, wait for me tonight at the usual place. Where we used to be when we were in middle school. I’ll be waiting. *Let go Shuu’s hand*” “What if I don’t come...?” “I’ll wait till you come.”

There’s no such thing! *Slides, door opened* “Ah, Shuu, don’t forget to introduce this new friend of yours next time okay? *Smiles*” *Surprise* “Hmph! *Leave*”  How can he still be smiling! Of course he’ll be smiling! He got a special ones by his side!! I don’t even feel like coming! *Bam* “I..itai..Ah, I’m sorr—” Ah, the same person! “Ah, what a coincidence. We bumped into each other again. Hahaha, must be fate.” “Fate?” “Ah, anyway, we haven’t introduce each other the last time. “Ah  yeah...” My name is Takatsuki Yuya from class 2-3”

Eh? Yuya? I’ve heard that name before, but where? When? “How about you?” “Ah, Ummm..My name is  Takumi Shuu from 2-1” “Ah, you’re from 2-1? You must be smart then?” “Eh? N-no, not at all. I’ve always studied the last minute. My friend always helped me out.” Always helped me out. Yeah, Yuka always helped me out if I’m troubled. He always been protective but why did he not protect me this time? “Want to go home together?” Eh? “*Happy* Yes, I would like too! *smiles*”