“Oi! Tomoharu!” Ignore it! (Mush!) “Oi! Stupid!” *Snap* “Now what did you just call me?!” “So you like being insult better, huh? *Mumbled*” “What did you just say?!” “Anyway, What’s wrong with you?! You were okay after we got off that cake shop but when you saw that new friend of Shuu, you got all hot-tempered! Just what on earth’s wrong?” “You saw right. He looked scared of me.” “Well, yeah. Anyone would! You started asking him over exaggeratedly! You should calm down! Like it’s been a long time or something. Not don’t you remember me?!”
“Well, of course I’d act like that, he’s my ex-lover” It was a long time ago. I didn’t know what happenned after he was beaten up bad. All I remember was our good days and he ended up ditching me by transferring to another school. Far away.
“Ano..Tomoharu-kun..I..I like you! *Shut his eyes, bow*” I was surprised that he liked me after for so long.
I’m not good blending with the others. So, I was always alone. Some girls thought I was cool for being lonely. Well, I don’t think so. And that time, when I was in the library to borrow some cooking book. I caught him watching me as always. I thought he was like some other girls, trying to confess to me straight away. Well, that depends their times too. It had been already 3-4 months and he still hasn’t confess to me. That’s when I realize that I fall for him for thinking about him every single day.
I even begin to think that he might start liking somebody else. Which made me even more frustrated. I tried to clam myself down so many times. Until one day, when I got his picture quietly when he was taking his shower in the schools’. I never even thought I’d turn out to be a pervert. I masturbated almost everyday just by looking at that picture. Days after days, it gotten worst. I was like a pants thief. I stole his underwear one day when he took his shower.
He didn’t take his shower everyday. He only took it after he played his baseball after school. He got all sweaty and he felt uncomfortable so he took his shower. But when his underwear started missing, he stopped bathing at school. I kinda disappointed through out my act. If only I took more pictures of him. *Pervert* And just when I was about to lose hopes, here he is standing right in front of me. Confessing. Am I dreaming?
“I like you for so long now...” Did he figure it out that I steal his underwear?! What should I do?? “I’m sorry..I *Look at yuya*” “*Teary* I..I..” Who am I kidding?! “*Hugged tight*” “Eh? *Looked confused*” “*Look into his eyes* Would you...go out with me?” “*Blushed~~*” I loved him. I really, really loved him. “*Mumbled* yes...” I know this must’ve been too fast to him but I can’t wait any longer!
“Do you..want to come over to my place after school and if you want, would you like to stay over for the night since its Saturday tomorrow?” “*Bright red with his mouth opened*” Maybe he doesn’t want to? Since its way too early and he just started to confess. “O-okay...*looked down*” “really?! *excited*” “Umh...*Blush*”
I got nervous when he’s at my place. I can’t believe its a dream come true. *Cry with glory* I don’t know what should I do first? Should I...attack him right away? Or should we drink something first? What should I do?! Should I wait for him? Does he even think of me going to attack him? I’m not sure if he understands this situation. Well, I don’t want him to hate me for what I'll be doing...
“You lived alone?” “Hmm...yeah. I want to leave the house.” “You got a family problem? *Worried*” “Umm..Hmm..nope..it’s just that I don’t have any private time for myself sometimes, since there’s a lot of people in the house so, I thought I should give my room to someone who needed the most. So..” “O-Ohh..I see.” *Silence* God, this is so hard. I never knew it could turn out to be this difficult! “Ah, umm..wanna play games? I mean PS...” “Ah, okay. *Smile*”
“Wait..Ah! No, I told you, wait..”
“There’s no ‘wait’. I’m being as fair as I can here.”
“But..ah, no..I’m...”
“What’s wrong..? *chuckle*”
*YOU LOSE* “Ah! How did you get so good at this?” “Well, I sometimes play with the people in the house. And I practice almost all the time.” “But, now since you lived alone, you won't be able to play with them anymore.” “Yeah, *Bitter smile*” But I just moved in a few months ago. Since I can’t ‘masturbate’ at home. I mean, the walls are thin. They’ll definitely hear me! “Want to have something to drink? Tea?” “Ah, okay.” “You can just wait here, okay? I’ll be right back.”
When I finished making the tea, I was shocked when I opened the door to my room. I got busted. The tea I finished making started to slipped down to the floor. Guess I was the most stupid guy on earth to left some ‘unnecessary’ things inside my room while the most important person is here. “T-tomoharu....*Shocked*” “*Shocked*” For a second there, I feel like I want to die right there, right at that moment!
He was holding his underwear which I stoled the last few weeks or months. I know I should’ve throw it away or give it back to him quietly but I bet he throws it away after he found it. Like who wants to have their underwear back after it got stolen, right? “Ah...Yuya, y-you got it all wrong..” “Y-you’re t-the pants stealer? *Scared*” Urgh...What should I do now..*Hic hic* I really want to die now!! “Y-you know, it’s not good to look at people stuff without permission..” “Well you’re the one who stole my stuff without permission.” “*Stab*”
Now I feel like I don’t have the right to say anything!! “W-why did you steal my underwear? Did you steal other people underwear too?” “Of course not! I’d only took yours— *Blushed~~*” “*Bright red~*” Ah, Damn! Why did I have to say that!! “I-I mean, Uhh..Well, I was just..Ahh...Hmm..” Argh!! How should I say it to him?? “D-did you...use for doing something?*Teary*” “*Strike*” he even thought of me like that now. I can’t say yes to him, right? But that would mean I’d be lying to him for the first day of going out with me!!
“*Bow to the floor* *Inhale exhale* I’m sorry that I used it for dirty things! I can’t control myself after I saw you! I keep on remembering you, wanting to kiss you, touch you, caress you with my body, but I can’t just do that to you. It’ll be like raping! So, I’m really sorry and I do love you but I don’t want you to hate me for what I did and I know its wrong but..” The atmosphere was so awkward, I mean, its like I was talking to myself. All I could hear was me keep on talking and talking.
When I peep up, looking at him, somewhat I got erect! He was as bright red as ever! It’s like a tomato! When I sat down, trying to look into his eyes, he averted! I touched his chin and kissed him. It’s like my body has its own control! I put my tongue into his. He was making sound which made me even harder than ever! I pushed him down. Even if I tried to stop myself but I just can’t. The desire of wanting him was getting stronger!
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