“—haru..” “Tomoharu!” What the? “And you said I was the one whose having a deep thought.” Wow, I never thought I would be remembering those memories again. It was so long time ago. Going back to the past. Those bitter sweet memories. And right now, the present. “Ah yeah. Come on. We’re not going to stand outside forever now, are we?” “*Mumbled* Well, you’re the one that wanted to stand here.” Like I didn’t hear that?!
*Door charm* The same as always. The smell of sweet cakes. “Ah, Aki-kun. You’re here again. Same as always?” “Ah nah. I’ll a pick a different one today.” “Hmmm? Changing a different taste now?” “Well, have to try others too, right? *chuckle*” “*Chuckle* yeah. *realize* ah..You’re Haruka-kun, right? It’s been a long time. How’s it been?” “Ah..Yeah. Fine, as always.”
“Eh? You guys knew each other? Since when?” He’s been here before? I never knew that.... and to think that I came here almost everyday and never realize he came here too. “Where’s the other guy? Hmmm...Who was it again..Ahh..Ah! Takumi-kun..You’re not with him today?” Eh? Takumi too? “Ne, oji-san..” “I told you not to call me that! It’s Hi-ro-to. Got it?” “Yeah, yeah, Hiroto-oji-san” “Just leave that oji-san out, will ya? I’m not that old yet.” “*Mumbled* You’re about to.” “This kid...!”
“Anyway~ How’d you know these guys. I mean him and Takumi.” “Well, I haven’t seen them around for a long time now.” So they stopped stopping by then? “They used to come here almost everyday. Buying the same cakes, different cakes and even birthday cakes. And to continue, just ask the guy directky because even I don’t know the reason why he stopped stopping by. and since when did you ever care about things like this.” Well, it’s just out of curiosity. I think? “Nothing particular. Is Harumi-san here today?” “Yeah, he’s here. I think its his break time now *Look at his watch*. Just don’t disturb him too much while he’s on his work, okay?” “yeah, yeah..”
“You’re awfullly quiet. Something caught you?” Was he trying to hide it? Or was it there’s nothing else to talk about? Nah, that’s not it. Usually he used to talk about something to break the silence. But now he...? *door opened* “Harumi-san? Are you here?” “Hmmm? Aki-kun? Man, everyday...*Realize* Ah..You’re....*trying to remember back*...Ha..Haru..Haruki?” “Ah..It’s Haruka.” “Hahaha, Sorry sorry. Its been a long time. What brings you here? Did Aki-kun drag you all the way here? Don’t mind him. He’s always like that.”
“Harumi-san! I was just going to buy some cakes like I usually do and I happened to feel like bringing some company with me thats all. It’s not like I’m forcing him to, right, Haruka?” “*Mumble* yeah right!” “Why you...!” “Anyway, just pick one already..Stop making lousy fuss in my store!” It’s never been quiet whenever I’m around with my family. I just don’t want them to be quiet. It feels like we’re stranger for not talking about something, even if its not related to family, at least we communicate each day.
I used to be so talkative and I know that I still am till this day, but I’m not as how I used to be. It got harder when I knew about adult things like responsibility. “Ah, here. Give this to that other guy of yours, okay?” “Eh? No, its okay. I’ll just buy it something for him.” “C’mon now, you don’t have to be shy. Just take it. Tell him to come here next time, okay?” “*take* O-okay.” We act as if we’re from normal family. Sometimes, we tried hard to be one.
Just like Harumi-san here, he started opening a bakery shop because he thought that it might make him forget about the past and just start moving forward. “Okay, we’re off, harumi-san! C’mon, lets go.” “Yeah, yeah. Go on now. Be careful, okay?” “I’m not in kindergarten anymore. I can take care of myself just fine.” “Yeah, right.” “Hmph!” See? At least, we talked.
“You’re pretty close with your cousin, huh? And it surprised me that you talked a lot.” “Well, we need to tighten our bonds.” “Bonds?” “Yeah, you know, like how a family would do.” “For what?” “Hmmm...? Well, just because. *Smiles*” “Just because? What? You’re feeling lonely or something? Heh.” “Of course not! I’m surrounded by many people in my family you know.” “You mean cousins.” “Whatever!”
I never thought of that before. Then, all this time, I was feeling lonely? Well I have older brother and younger, but they're not as often as I am at home. Guess, I am just feeling lonely? And I can’t believed he’d be saying this to me. “So, we’re stopping by to Shuu’s house?” “Well, yeah. We have to. We’re going to deliver that cake to him, right?” “Well, I’m not so sure about that. I mean, he might not want to see me or us right now.” “What makes you say that?”
“Today, when we’re suppose to be going home together like usual, he refuses and he even said that he has a new friend that I don’t even know. I mean, a best friend that doesn’t know who this new friend is?” “Well, it sounds to me you’re just feeling jealous.” “Yeah, right. And what’re you suppose to be? Making the situation worst? Don’t you feel jealous? I mean, you like him, right? Or did you already give up on him?”
It’s true that I like him. And very much too. “It’s just that I can’t see where my position can be jealous of him. I know I do but then, what does it have to do with him? He doesn’t even know that I like him and I bet he think I despise him very much that I insulted him.” “well, yeah. Who wouldn’t think they’re being despise after being rejected and insult after that?” “You know, at a time like this, its where you should try your best to comfort the poor guy?”
“Yeah, I am. Shuu’s pretty upset about what you said to hi—” “I didn’t mean him!” “Oh, you were talking about yourself. Well, its your fault!” “Thanks! *rolled eyes*” “Anyway, its already late. We better hurry up.” One day, I know that I should be telling him the truth, but I’m not so sure about when that one day is. Will he give up on me? I wonder who will give up first. Me or him? I don’t want him give up on me and I too, don’t want to give up on him. I want our feelings to be even more stronger than before, but I just can’t see if its possible for him.
I’ll just pray that he won’t give up on me. Yeah. *Smile* “What are you smiling about?” “Ah, nothing.” “you’re thinking about something, aren’t you?” “I told you, its’s nothing!” “Pervert.” “What the—?!” *sigh*
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