Saturday, February 5, 2011

Mite, ikuzo! chap. 12

Should I really tell Shuu about what happen? He seems really bothered by that incident..Well...Of course he’d be bothered, because I’m stuck in a situation with Tomoharu...! Tch...! I didn’t plan it end up like this.

“Well, since you already predict it how it’ll definitely gonna happen, then I’ll try my best to avoid it.”

Did he really avoid it? Or was it just coincidental? I still can’t get through this! “Oi! You’re not going home with him again today?” Speaking of the devil... “He said he’s going with a friend of his...Why’d you ask? *Angry look*” “Whoa...Easy there. When you said a friend of his, does that mean you don’t know this ‘friend’?” Man, I really want to shut him up. I don’t even feel like talking to this guy. “Guess not. *Looked away*” “Heh. Did you got ditch or something?”

I really should be ignoring him from the beginning. “*Silence*....” “Ohh...Did I got it right?” Ignore it! “Too bad..Maybe I’ll try asking him to go home with me sometime.” “*Look at tomoharu* Well, why don’t you try then?” “You don’t care? Oh well, I might even get him to listen to me every single word and stop meeting you for once.” “*Shocked*” This guy...! He’s just the type of guy that really can’t be ignore by people!

“*Looked at the window*” “Aren’t you going home? How about we go home together?” Is this guy really sane?! Sometimes he get pissed off but then he got really nice! It’s like nothing ever happen between us! “Just what are you thinking?! Wanna go home with me?!” “Well, that’s what I ask. Did you hear it right?” Is he...making fun of me or something?! *Eye twitching*

“Come on, we might even meet up with this ‘friend’ of his. Don’t you want to?” Is he only thinking on meeting Shuu’s friend? “You know, what do you think if Shuu caught us together?” “Hmmm? Caught us together? What do you mean by that? Hmmm? *Grin*” “*Surprise*” “Besides, we didn’t do anything, did we?” “Of course not! Never in my life!” “Then, it’s okay, right?” “You know...Sometimes, that brain of yours, doesn't seem to work properly. I don’t even know how the heck you got into this class?!”

“Oi..What are we talking about my brain for? I’m asking about going home together here..” All he thinks is simple. He never seem to care about anything that’ll happen to Shuu’s pure innocent feelings! “What will you do if he caught us together going home? He even doesn’t seem to be himself after we got into class. Do you realize that?” Guess this guy is pretty slow.. “Hmmm...I thought I put up a good rumor about my cramped leg.” “*Eye twitching* Do you really think he’s that stupid!? I told you not to underestimate him! You just don’t understand him!”

“That’s why, let’s go home together and when he really do meet with us. I’ll explain to him thoroughly...” H-he’ll gonna tell him? About what really happen? “...though if you don’t mind, of course..*smile*” *surprise* D-did he plan all this from the beginning?! “Do you think it’ll be that simple? Once he knows the truth he’ll—” “...find it hard to believe?” “*Surprise* Uuhh—” He...understands?? 

“But then, that doesn’t mean he’d give up that easily , right?” Ah...he took my words back then. Is he serious?! “Are sure about this?” “A man doesn’t take his words back, you know?” Yeah, yeah..A man’s words, huh? “So, can we go now? It’ll be night if you keep on thinking here, come on.” Hmph...Really this guy.. “You better know what you’re going to do!” “Don’t worry *Smiles* I’ll be fine. Just watch me.” This guy sounds so real but he might be feeling nervous and scared right now and I bet he is!

“You know, you don’t have to make it sound like its your last moment,  you know?” “What? Doesn’t that make me look like I’m a bit considerate of someone?” Considerate? Being considerate? What’s there to be considerate about? “Considerate?” “*Pull Yuka’s hand* Now, now. Let’s go!” “O-oi!”

“*Slam, closing shoe locker* Wanna stop by at a cake shop?” cake shop? I thought we’re suppose to go home. “Can’t you buy it tomorrow?” “Aww, come on. I’m craving for one!” He has sweet tooth, huh? Just like Shuu... Maybe I should buy one for him too? “Come on, come on! It’ll be night if we keep standing here!” Man, somehow, I feel like baby sitting a big baby... “Alright, alright. Keep your whining!”

We used to stop by at a cake shop, and Shuu always keep on me dragging and in the end, we almost go there everyday. We even got used to people there. It’ like we’re neighbors but they're from a different district.. Shuu always took his time talking with the chef who makes the cake. We stop going to that cake shop because he got to prepare for his test back then. And even after that test, we somehow stopped stopping by. Shuu never even ask or drag me into that cake shop.I wonder if there’s something happened?

“Hmmm? Yeah, guess so. My cousin runs this shop.” Eh? “Ehhhh??” What the?! He’s cousin?! “B-but I thought you’re family were...” “Well, not all actually. And my cousin said that he wanted to run a cake shop and here it is. Guess he has more easy life *Pain smile*” So, even yakuza family can choose their life choice, huh? I wonder why he picked to be in yakuza family... “Then, why did you choose your choice to be in your family, the yakuza family?” “Well, that is....”

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