*Pants pants, running* It can’t be! It can’t be!! *Clenching his eyes shut* Yuka would understand!! I know he would! Because he’s...! *Bam* “I...itai...” Did I hit the wall while running? “*Opened his eyes* Ah..” I hit on someone.. “I’m sorry, I didn’t see you...*Stands up* Of course I didn’t see him! I closed my eyes while running! “It’s okay, I’m fine. Good thing you didn’t hit a wall...” “.....” Ah, did he just said wall? Did he just said something inside my mind??
“*Look at his watch* Ah, its already late. Sorry about that. *Wave his hand up*” What was that all about? We bumped into each other and he goes away like that. Well at least I did apologize to him properly...or so I think..But right now, I’m in more serious matter. This time, I will go to class even if something did happen. I won’t run away. Never again....(?) *Slide, door opened* “You’re late, takumi-kun! You’re suppose to be in class in the past 10 minutes!”
“Ah, sorry sensei. I forgot that you’re teaching after lunch *smiles*” *Class laughing* “*Blushed* A-anyway, go sit to your place!” Yeah, I can’t show it to other people about my personality feelings. I should only show it to myself. Only to myself. *sits* I should just give up...? I did try my best....Eh? try...my best? Is it because I haven’t try my best that he doesn’t notice me yet? But what does it have to do with Yuka? What did Yuka did? What drives Tomoharu onto Yuka? What does Yuka has that I don’t?
*Slides, door opened* “Sorry sensei, we’re kinda late.” “Kinda late!? It’s almost 15 minutes till my lessons are over. Both of you are going to work 3 times than the class you hear me! No excuses!” “But we were...” “No buts! Now go to your sits!” They were really late. What were they doing? Ah! Did they...done it...?? At school?! It can’t be! Right? They won’t do it at such place...No! I shouldn’t be thinking any negative thoughts about them. I should ask them if i want to know what really happens.
Because only they know the truth. If I start thinking about something thats not true, I’ll just be nothing more than a rumor maker. But I...don’t know if I have the guts to ask them about it. I’ll just be a busybody and I’ll definitely be in their way for sure. But I need to make sure if they really are going out or not. *Ding dong* “Okay, class dismiss and both of you, Tomoharu-kun adn Haruka-kun, make sure you do your work and due it tomorrow at lunch time!”
“Tomorrow?! At lunch time? But it’s 3 times more harder than the class! It’s not fair.” ”Well, that’ll make sure that you won’t miss my next class. If you’re not going to do it tomoharu, I’ll deduct your marks and you will stay for another year!” *Slides, door shut* “Tch! Just because he’s a teacher that doesn’t mean he can control me!” “Ne, Tomoharu-kun, just why were you late for class? And with Haruka-kun too? What happen?” Ah, it started. Just what were they doing?
“My legs were cramped after sitting for so long. So, haruka was just helping me standing up but it was hard for him too.” “Is that why you guys were so late?” “Yup. Sorry if that makes you worried.” “If you’re okay, then everything is alright.*Smiles*” Tha-That’s a lie! As if he was sitting for so long! I saw him lying on Yuka!
“Shuu...Do you want to go home together today?” He’s talking as if nothing happen. As if he doens’t want me to know anything about them. “It’s alright. I’m...going back with a friend. He request me if I can go with him today.” A lie. Such lies. “A friend? Who is it?” Things will never be how it used to be...since Yuka already has someone special. “Its...no one you know.” “*Surprise* Eh? Someone I don’t know? Not in our class?”
“Y-Yeah, he’s from another class.” I don’t even know whom I'm talking about. “From what class?” Ah.... “He-he’s from...” *Ding dong, ends school* “Ah, It’s already end of school. I better wait for him. B-bye.” “*Reach Shuu’s hand* Shuu..I—” “Please, he’ll be waiting if I don’t be there.” “*Angry look* Shuu, wait for me tonight at the usual place. Where we used to be when we were in middle school. I’ll be waiting. *Let go Shuu’s hand*” “What if I don’t come...?” “I’ll wait till you come.”
There’s no such thing! *Slides, door opened* “Ah, Shuu, don’t forget to introduce this new friend of yours next time okay? *Smiles*” *Surprise* “Hmph! *Leave*” How can he still be smiling! Of course he’ll be smiling! He got a special ones by his side!! I don’t even feel like coming! *Bam* “I..itai..Ah, I’m sorr—” Ah, the same person! “Ah, what a coincidence. We bumped into each other again. Hahaha, must be fate.” “Fate?” “Ah, anyway, we haven’t introduce each other the last time.” “Ah yeah...” “My name is Takatsuki Yuya from class 2-3”
Eh? Yuya? I’ve heard that name before, but where? When? “How about you?” “Ah, Ummm..My name is Takumi Shuu from 2-1” “Ah, you’re from 2-1? You must be smart then?” “Eh? N-no, not at all. I’ve always studied the last minute. My friend always helped me out.” Always helped me out. Yeah, Yuka always helped me out if I’m troubled. He always been protective but why did he not protect me this time? “Want to go home together?” Eh? “*Happy* Yes, I would like too! *smiles*”
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