Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Mite, ikuzo! chap. 14

It was a tragedy night. It was a very calmed night but yet there was a badly injured person in my family and got sent to the hospital. It was...Chikage-san. Harumi-san was contacted and went to the hospital immediately after the call. I was at the hospital with my father and the others. We were all worried. He was in the operation room. “Chikage-san! Chikage-san!” Harumi-san went mad! My father grip him and told him to calm down.

“How can I calm down?! Chikage-san is in there! *Cried* Chikage-san..” “*Hugged* Yes, we know. We are all very worried too, but we can’t do anything. All we have to do is wait till he doctor comes out, okay? If you get all noisy, they might want us to go home. I’m sure you don’t want that, right?” “*cried*” “Come on now, go sit over there. Just calm down first, okay?”

Even I don’t know what to do but, I can’t just sit down and do nothing. Then, I remembered.I first saw him at the temple. Chikage-san had always been cleaning the ground that’s piled with dead leaves. I had always been hiding, scared that I’ll be killed. Harumi-san always told me that Chikage-san was a nice person.

After sometimes, Chikage-san would always pray after the cleaning. Then, one time he pray with his voice out. He usually prayed quietly. “Kami-sama, I have committed a lot of sins from back then, now or maybe later. Please give strength to endure the pain. Please, give peace and harmony to my family. Kami-sama, please.”

I saw how desperate Chikage-san was when he prayed. My family have never been in any chaos so I thought that Chikage-san was weird since our family have already been in peace and harmony...but, ever since then, I could only see Chikage-san’s was injured a lot of time due to fightings. But it seems that, even if Chikage-san was injured, it looked like a lot of people know why..And after a long while, I understand. He was just trying to protect the family.

After Chikage-san leaves the temple. I sneak out from my hiding and start to pray too. “Kami-sama, I’m sorry that I thought Chikage-oji-san was a bad person and even though Harumi-san had always told me that he was kind and I never took his advise. He is the most kindest person in my family, I think? and anyone I’ve ever known. Please forgive his sins. He just do what’s best for all of us and I cherish him the most. Please, kami-sama! *Clench his eyes*”  It may be the most embarrassing to say all those things because when I turn around, I found out that Chikage-san was standing right behind me!!

I blushed really hard. “Eh...eto..Ano..Ehh...waaaa...*BLUSHED*” “*Chuckle* You don’t have to be embarrassed like that. I’m happy that you prayed for me. *Smiles*” Even if he said that I shouldn’t be embarrassed, I just can’t stop blushing! After that, we left the temple together and stop by at a cake shop. The cake shop was run by Harumi-san’s parents. I’ve never been there before. “Come on, lets buy something for harumi-san and the others too.” I never thought that Chikage-san was so considerate to the others.

“Chikage-oji-san..I’m..sorry.*sad*” I should never thought of him as a bad guy since he’s this kind! “*Smiles* Don’t worry. People just mistaken me for what I do.” “That’s why they’re wrong! You were doing for someone else’s sake! You’ve never been selfish wanting money, fame or anything else. All you want was just to protect the family and I..*Hic hic* I was thinking like those people too..” “*Stroke his hair* It’s okay. If you start crying, people might mistaken me even more” “Ah..I’m sorry” “Come on now.” “Umh!”

After we bought a lot of cake, around 6-8 people approached us. I was scared while Chikage-san covered me from behind. “What do you want?” Chikage-san sounded like a different person. I don’t even know what to do. “What do we want? Heh *Smirk* We want pay back! Ya hear me!?” “I’m not deaf yet, so keep your voice down a bit.” “What the hell?! You messin’ around with us?! *eyes wide open*” “*Bend down* Aki-kun, when I said go, run as fast as you can. Don’t look back, okay? Go home immediately!” “But...”

“Aww...your last chit chat, old man?! What? Don’t tell me you’re going to back down?” “Just don’t cry after what you’ll get.” “Why you...! *Run forwards* Yaaaaa.!!!!”  “Now go!” “Eh? But...” “I said go!” I do what he said, but it feels wrong leaving him alone with those guys. I want to turn back and help him. But I don’t know what to do. Ah! I should contact father! Ah, but only Chikage-san has the cell phone..maybe I should turn back??

“Kids like you should just go to school and learn something. You shouldn’t be fighting on the streets. Don’t your parents ever teach you that?” “man, this old man just keeps on pissing me off every single time he opened his mouth!!” “Why don’t you shut his mouth already, heiya! Heh..” “Yeah, just shut that old man up!! It’s annoying!” “Now lets play *Knife*” “Knife? Cowards... *Serious*” “Tch!! The hell!! Die, you old man!! *Move forward*”

I was hiding behind a wall more like beside some trash. It’s not too far from the fight, but it’s not too near either but I can see it clearly. I was amazed how Chikage-san can dodge that man while holding a knife but at the same time, I felt really worried. 6 guys have been down for a while. There’s only 2 more. The man that hold the knife was still up. He just pushed his men to fight chikage-san and chikage-san manage to pull them down.

Chikage-san hasn’t been injured, though I don’t want him to. The guy with a knife made his move and Chikage-san dodge it, the second guy from behind hold his 2 arms behind. “Heh. Never knew you’d think that simple, huh? Stupid old man! Well, your life ends now! Die!!”!!! Chikage-san can’t die!! He can’t!! I was out of control. So I took some heavy things like an empty wooden box and throw it to the guy that holds the knife.

“Yaaaahhh!!! *throw*” I aimed for his head. While the guy that holds Chikage-san looked puzzled, Chikage-san took the chance and kick him hard on the stomach. He can barely stood up. “Aki-kun! I thought I told you to go home! What were you thinking?! It’s dangerous, you know that?!” “But..I just don’t want to leave you alone with those guys. You were in a dangerous situation too..So, I thought that I might help you...” “*Sigh* Well, at least you’re okay.”

“i..iteee... hey kid..You know that’s my head?! It hurts like hell man! I’ll give you a pay back and you can feel how I feel! *Run forwards*” the guy can still stood up and ran towards me..I’m going to die?! I’m going to die!! *Clench his eyes* *Slash* When I opened my eyes slowly and saw chikage-san was lying on the ground...and there was blood all over him. “Tch! *Runs away*” I was on a critical shocked! I didn’t know what to do. Is chikage-san’s going to die?!

Then, there’s a ring tone coming from his pocket. I saw it was father’s number and father’s name. I answered in panic. “Aki-kun? Where’s Chikage?” “*Hic hic* Father...” “Aki-kun?! What’s wrong?! Aki-kun?! Where’s Chikage?! Give him the phone!” “Father...Chikage-san..he’s...he’s dying...*Hic hic* there’s a lot of blood all over him..father..” “What?! Aki-kun, where are you right now?”

It wasn’t long enough until they came. They even bring an ambulance too. I was still crying don’t know what to do. I-it’s all my fault! It’s my fault that Chikage-san was dying! Right now, there’s only father, harumi-san and 5 other people in the hospital waiting for Chikage-san’s result. He was put in the operation room. I feel so guilty. I don’t want to sit and do nothing. I just have to do something, because it’s my fault! I start to walk away from the hospital. “Aki-kun, where are you going?”

I don’t want to answer it but.. “I’ll come back!” “Aki-kun...!” father shouted at me, asking where I go. But I just can’t answer that. Because that place is where I prayed for Chikage-san’s. *Pants pants* It’s not that far and not that near either. I kept on running and when I arrived at the temple, I knelt down and began to pray. “Kami-sama, I beg you. Please, save Chikage-oji-san! It’s my fault! So don’t take away his life just yet! Please kami-sama, please! *Tears* Don’t take him away.”

That night, all I do was kept on praying. Hoping that Kami-sama would save Chikage-san’s life.

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