“Neh, Takumi-kun.” “Yeah? What is it?” “Hmmm...nothing.*nervous*” We just started being friends after we got bumped into each other the other day and also today. And...I think its really obvious that I’m running away from Yuka. Well, I just didn’t know what to say. I’m pretty much speechless. I even feel like he’s hiding something from me. So today, I’m thinking of relaxing myself with my new friend, Takatsuki Yuya.
“Are you a new transfer student, Takatsuki?” “Hmm? Ah yeah. I just started the other day, when we accidentally bumped into each other.*Embarrass* You can just call me Yuya *Smiles*” “Then, you can call me Shuu. *Smiles*” I’m actually making a new friend...and it feels...kinda good. It’s like a beginning of your new school day. “I’m glad we bumped into each other today. Heh.” “Yeah? Why’s that?”
“Well, I’m not really good with new people for starters.” “*chuckle* No one ever good at first, you need to blend in with them.” “But doesn’t that sounds like being the other you.” “Hmm..*Serious look* You’re making this typical!” “Ah, sorry. It’s just that I want people to know me for who I am.” Being yourself, huh? I think that's the most impossible thing to do. Not really impossible, its just, not all people will accept you for who you are. I know because I already tried it.
“Well, if you ask me, not all people will accept you but there’s definitely someone will *Smiles* Like me, right?” “*Amaze look* Umh! *Smile* I’m really glad I bumped into you today and thank you for helping me with my problems.” I wonder...when did the last time I ever help someone. “No problem. You can tell all your problems and I’ll try my best to help you out.” “Umh!” “Oh yeah,” “Hmmm?” “Want to stop by at my place for dinner? If that’s okay with you?” “*Happy* I want to!”
Yuka hasn’t been coming to my place too lately. We used to play games or make dinners together and he usually worried when I’m alone. I wonder when he stopped coming, or worrying about me. *realize* Ah! I sounded like a spoil brat! *Sigh* Maybe Yuka was spoiling me too much back then and now, maybe because he found himself someone that can actually made him happy and without feeling worried anymore. *teary*
“Shuu? Are you alright? You look like you’re going to cry. Did something happen?” “N-nah. There must be dust in my eyes.*rub*” “Ohh.” I can’t believe I almost cry in front of someone and its my new friend too! I should just relax! Relax!! “Here we are. *Searching for his key in his pocket*” *Unlock the door* “Wah, you lived in an apartment? alone?” “Yeah...” “Doesn’t that make you feel...lonely?” “*sad smile* Now that you mention it, I kinda do feel lonely.” “*Serious face* Then, I’ll stop by to your place everyday!” “Eh? You don’t have to. I’ll just cause you trouble.”
“It’s okay. Since I still haven’t find any other friend. I’ll just stop by to yours. *smile*” “*Sigh* Oh well, that’s up to you then.” “Yey!” For a second there, I just saw my old self. Now I know how Yuka felt back then, spoiling a brat. “Okay, how about we go to the market to buy something for tonight?” “Okay *Smile*” Somehow, it feels....good. Then, does that mean Yuka felt good when he spoiled me? Wasn’t I causing him..trouble?
“Just put your stuff on the sofa, okay?” “You mean here?” “yeah, there. C’mon” Usually, Yuka brings me to the market to buy something for dinner or sometimes for breakfast. “Hey, since tomorrow’s Saturday, do you...” “Hmmm?” “...do you want to stay over?” “Eh?” “You know, since you started saying that I might be feeling lonely, I just want to have some company once in while. You know..” “You can call me anytime *smile* in exchange for helping my problem.” “*smile* Thanks.”
I thought that my day would go even better and just then, when I heard a door bell and when I opened it, I saw what I never wanted to see. It was Yuka...and Tomoharu. It was the most wrong time ever! “Hey, Shuu. I was just passing by and wanted to stop by and uhh..here. The guy at the cake shop wanted to give this to you.” “*Take* Cake?” “Yeah...and he thought that you should stop by next time.” “Ohh.” There was a silence for a second there. I saw Tomoharu with a very shocked expression on his face.
“Yu....ya” And that’s when I feel like I’ve been stuck in a lighting! Now I remember. Tomoharu once said that when he was asleep in the infirmary. I didn’t know what to say. “Neh, Shuu. Who are these guys?” “Oh...yeah. This guy is Haruka yuka, my best friend and this is Tomoharu Aki, classmate.” “Ohh. Then, why didn’t you bring him along when you were about to go home? Usually people go with their closest friend, right? Did you guys get into a fight or something.”
I really didn’t know what to say. I was speechless. “Uhh...” Until, YukaTakatsuki Yuya. Nice to meet you. I’m Shuu’s new friend. *Smile*” “Yu..ya. Is that really you?” “Eh? Do I know you?” I don’t know what happen but, that really shocked Tomoharu. I can tell because its showing all over his face.
“You must have mistaken me as someone else. *scared face*” “No...we’ve been to bliss middle school before. We’re classmate, don’t you remember?” “You know me? I don’t remember.” “But we’ve gone ou— *Look away* nothing.” Yuka too, didn’t know what happen. There it goes, another silence. “Uh..were you two about to go somewhere?” It always been Yuka who start to break the silence. He’d never fail to start a conversation. “Yeah, we were. Shuu wanted me to help him with dinner tonight.” “Yeah.”
“Oh, do you mind if we join along?” I wouldn’t be too shocked if Yuka was the one who’d be asking me that but, it was Tomoharu who ask me such question. I bet...he’s just interested in Yuya. “Uhh..umh, okay. You don’t mind right, Yuya?” “Umh..” Yuya was standing behind me like he was hiding from his mother from being caught. He was new to this school and he’s already afraid of someone.
On our way to the market it was going to be night, so we walk hurriedly before it got dark. “So, what are we going to eat for dinner, Shuu?” “Hmmm...We should buy lots since there's four of us now. Maybe we should eat some curry? And potato and beef?” “That would be nice. Something hot and chewy.” “Should we buy something for tomorrow too, for breakfast I mean.” “Y-You guys..you mean, you’re staying for the night?” “Well, tomorrows Saturday, so if thats okay with you?” “But..” “It’s Okay, Shuu. The more the merrier, right *smile*” “Okay then.”
From my place till we got to the market, Tomoharu was the only one who kept quiet. We bought what we wanted to and got home after that. We all started to help out in the kitchen. “Tomoharu! Stop lying down on the sofa and get your butt here and help us out! If you don’t, you’re not going to eat anything!” “Geez, alright already. What do you want me to help anyway? It’s not like we need to eat that many. Takumi said curry, potato and beef. You should be doing the curry, yuya should be preparing the potato and takumi should be doing the beef. See? It’s all the right people with the right thing.”
“*Angry* Fine! Shuu, yuya, you guys don’t mind him. He’s always been like this. Laziness is one of his personality! Remember to cook for only the three of us, okay?” “Che! Why you! Fine! What do you want me to do?” “Took you long enough!” “Just tell me already!” “You do the rice, and the plate and also the cup and spoon too.” “Are you kidding me?! That’s too many for me to do!” “What? You can’t do it? You can just tell me. *Rolled eyes*” “*Angry* Of course I can! Just watch!” “Okay, I will. *Grin*”
They looked so close. It’s like I just knew them. “Shuu! You’re beef! It’s steaming a lot!” “Eh? Waah!” “Next time, be careful! Stop day dreaming! Focus what you’re doing!” “Uh, umh...Sorry.” I’ve been scold by Tomoharu. “Don’t mind him, Shuu. It’s not your fault that you’re scared of something here.” “What’s something! I’m a person, you stupid!” “Good, I thought you wouldn’t know!” But then again, Yuka seems like wanting to start a war or something. “Damn you! I’m going out!”
“Have you even finish what your doing?!” “Ages ago! *Slam*” “That guy. Shuu, call me if the dinners ready, okay?” “Eh? O-okay...”
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